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我们应该尽力消除政府中的贪赃枉法。We should try to clear graft, waste and inefficiency out of government.

他们认为严厉打击犯罪和贪赃枉法的活动将使日常生活进一步得到保障。Residents believe a crackdown on crime and graft will make daily life more viable.

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大家希望新法律能打击政府人员贪赃枉法。It is hoped that the new laws will scotch the snake of dishonesty among members of the government.

对于许多中国人而言,日子过的仍然很苦,而且不少政府官员贪赃枉法,专横跋扈。For many Chinese, daily life remains a grim struggle, and their government rapacious, arbitrary and corrupt.

一个宗教法官判决这些东西为贪赃枉法非法所得,应将之收归宗教管理当局所有。A canonical judge ruled that the items were the proceeds of corrupt practices and could be confiscated by religious authorities.

在一家知名英国报纸上,最近有位作家指出“企业已陷入贿赂的蛛网”,人人都“贪赃枉法”。In a well-known British newspaper, a writer argued recently that "industry is caught in a web of bribery" and that everyone is "on the take".

吴凡钦法官曾经判处一个贪赃枉法的中国警察徒刑,他被人从家里带走,扔到桥底下结果了性命。Judge Wu Fan-chin, who had sentenced a corrupt Chinese policeman to a jail sentence, was taken from his home, thrown under a bridge and killed.

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许多贪赃枉法的官吏一想到此事就非常害怕,轻易不敢出门胡作非为了。Many officials who took bribes and bent the law were extremely frightened by this. Therefore , they dared not go out and commit other outrages.

这不仅是维护正常生产生活和社会秩序的需要,也有利于从根本上铲除滋生唯利是图、坑蒙拐骗、贪赃枉法等丑恶和腐败行为的土壤。We employed those action not only to maintain the normal production and living but also to root out the social evils like the corruption, the venality and the dishonesty.

"仓法"施行后虽然取得了些许效果,但是吏人为追求利益贪赃枉法、朋比为奸的现象仍然大量存在。Although "Cangfa" achieved some results to some extent, corruption had not been deterred, because many officials were motivated to take bribes and cronyism by huge personal benefits.