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我讨厌让未做完的工作使我牵肠挂肚。I hate to have unfinished work hanging over me.

爱一个人,看不到他时,为他牵肠挂肚。Love a person, not to see him, for he be very worried about.

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多么想它就是暴雨,希望暴雨如注,为了我的牵肠挂肚。It is how to heavy rain, such as injection of hope rainstorm, I yearn for.

从海轮离开纽约以来,我一直为你牵肠挂肚,我知道这是为什么。You' ve been on my mind ever since this ship left New York, and I know why.

然后,你就可以放心地娱乐,而无须对你的学习成绩牵肠挂肚”。Then, you can spare enough time for leisure without jeopardizing your academic results.

我之所以谈论耶鲁大学四年级学生,是因为他们正是眼下最让我牵肠挂肚的人。I'm talking about Yale seniors because they are the ones who are most on my mind right now.

据一份研究调查便是,男人每天在大脑中所想着“吃”和“睡”这码事的程度要远远高于他们对于“性”的牵肠挂肚。Men spend more time thinking about food – and sleep – than they do about sex, a study shows.

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她在那牵肠挂肚的惦记中,在那圣洁无私的呵护中,在那无怨无悔的奉献中。Her in that feel dolorous of caring, in the holy and selfless care, in the regrets dedication.

很自然地,天气总让新英格兰人,特别是乡村的人牵肠挂肚。Not surprisingly, the weather preoccupies the thoughts of New Englanders, especially in the country.

这一次抛下所有牵肠挂肚的日常琐事,向东逃亡,看来好像还有幸福在等待着。This eastward flight from all things customary and attached seemed as if it might have happiness in store.

对于他们来说,这里的学习只不过是人生路上的一个短暂插曲,他们本来没有必要对这段时间牵肠挂肚的。For them, study here is only a short interlude in their life. They do not have to hold lingering memories about it.

其实这还是大实话。据一份研究调查便是,男人每天在大脑中所想着“吃”和“睡”这码事的程度要远远高于他们对于“性”的牵肠挂肚。And it turns out it's true. Men spend more time thinking about food – and sleep – than they do about sex, a study shows.

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当弟兄姊妹受到伤害时,我们牵肠挂肚,因此我们迄今为止的反应如此积极,如此热情。When a brother and sister hurt, we care about it, and so that is why our response has been so robust and so compassionate to date, " he said.

人到晚年仍然奔波劳累,牵肠挂肚。他们在理财、照顾身体和家庭上得孤军奋战。Life in old age continues to BE work and worry. One has to manage the finances, take care of one's health and home without the help of children.

世界上只有一个名字,使我这样牵肠挂肚,像有一根看不见的线,一头牢牢系在我心尖上,一头攥在你手中。In the world only then a name, causes me to be very anxious about like this, some cannot see likely the line, one is on firmly my apex cordis, grips in your hand.

谨以这些琐屑的文字,送给和我一同风餐露宿的“战友”,送给一直在家里牵肠挂肚的父亲母亲,送给那些为梦想而不断努力的可爱的人们。To write these peddling words, for my bro. Who braved the wind and dew with me, for my parents missing me all the time, and the cute persons who are trying their best for dream.

说起来真是有趣,人生中往往许多的游戏,才真的让人牵肠挂肚,反倒是人生本身,有些平淡和沉重了。In fact is really amusing , life is hit by sometimes a lot of game, let person be deeply concerned , be life on the contrary just now really per se, some have been insipid and heavy.