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他们远道来到希律城。They come all the way to Herod's City.

有家人远道来看望自己真是不错。It’s nice to have family visit from far away.

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感谢各位专程远道造访本公司。Thank you for coming all the way to my company.

他就是他为什么要远道赶往复活岛。That is why he went all the way to Wake Island.

我的朋友从上海远道来看我。My friend came to see me all the way from Shanghai.

彼得显然是从北边的加利利远道南来,聆听施洗约翰的讲道。No doubt Peter had come south from Galilee to hear John the Baptist's preach.

他们厌倦远道坐车往来上下班浪费时间,他们想有较多的时间与家人在一起。Tired of wasting time commuting , they want more time to spend with their families.

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顺着大河一直走,下回要是走远道儿,千万要带着袜子跟鞋。Keep the river road, all the way, and next time you tramp, take shoes and socks with you.

科学家从巴黎远道来到上海,看望他最敬爱的老师。That famous scientist come a long way form Paris to Shanghai to see his respected teacher.

请允许我代表学院向远道业客表示热烈欢迎。Allow me, on behalf of the college, to express our warm welcome to our guests coming form afar.

那位著名的科学家从巴黎远道来到上海看望他最敬爱的老师。That famous scientist went all the way from Paris to Shanghai to visit his most respected teacher.

从春天到秋天,当鸟群铺天盖地之时,人们从远道赶来观看。When the flood of birds poured through in spring and autumn people traveled great distances to visit them.

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迪尔德丽·古沃尔,64岁,同去年一样她从巴黎远道而来到这里参加听证会。Deirdre Gover, 64, had traveled all the way from her home in Paris to attend the hearing, just as she did last year.

如果我的朋友们能毫无困难地远道赶来看我,我一定会毫无困难地给他们安排住处。and if my friends find no difficulty in travelling so far to see me, I am sure I will find none in accommodating them.

这一次捐赠,他得从公司请假远道前往,因此他要求精子银行支付他目前日薪的价格。This time, because the donation required travel and time away from his job, he charged the bank his law firm’s daily rate.

1929年,一位美国妇女远道从中国而来,将有严重智障的女儿安顿在了新泽西州的一家私人疗养院。In 1929, an American woman traveled from her home in China to settle her severely impaired daughter in a New Jersey institution.

我一直想去那儿,我远道来到北京,如果没有去游览长城的话,我想我会非常遗憾的。I have always wanted to go here, I think it would be a real shame if I came all the way to Beijing and didn't make it out to the wall.

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我一直想去那儿,我远道来到北京,如果没有去游览长城的话,我想我会非常遗憾的。I have always wanted to go there, I think it would be a real shame if I came all the way to Beijing and didn't make it out to the Great Wall.

远道而开的威拿庄庄主详细地为大家介绍当晚的每一款酒,带来了澳洲特有的热情和奔放。At dinner, the owner of Wirra Wirra introduced each wine for the guests in detail, from which we could feel the unique enthusiasm and vigor of Australia.

当然,我不能忘记从我们的家乡远道赶来支持我的菲律宾人民,希望你们继续支持我并不要错过3月13日的比赛。And of course, I wanna thank all the Philippines people from my country who are always support me. Please come and please watch don't miss it on March 13th.