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舌苔厚腻。One's tongue is coated.

舌苔薄软垫和衣领。Thin padded tongue and collar.

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不好意思,我忘了看病人的舌质和舌苔了。Sorry, I didn't look the patient's tongue and coating.

舌苔薄软垫和衣领,保持柔软当你在走。Thin padded tongue and collar to keep it soft when you're on-the-go.

我知道了,现在把嘴张开说'啊'。有舌苔。I see. Now, please open your mouth and say 'ah'. Your tongue looks coated.

并进一步对这种舌苔润燥分析方法的应用结果进行了探讨。And the application of this method to analyse moisture of tongue fur is discussed.

以自然光线下观察受试者的舌苔是否出现异常。To observe the tongue-coating of subjects and comparison between normal and abnormal.

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当我们把舌苔挖乾净,牙齿洗乾净,口臭没了,吃起东西来就比较有味道了。When we clean coating on the tongues and teeth, our halitosis is gone, so we eat well.

切记牙齿的内侧和咬合面都要刷到,舌苔也要刷哦。Remember to brush the inside and chewing surfaces of your teeth, as well as your tongue.

作者对262例病人典型舌苔进行真菌带菌率的调查。The authors report the Presence of the fungus carrier state on typ cal fur in 262 patients.

在此基础上,对于标准模糊聚类算法进行了改进并应用于舌象的舌质舌苔分离。So standard FCM algorithm was modified and applied to separate the tongue body and tongue coating.

你的喉咙发炎了,舌苔很厚。这些都是感冒的症状。Your throat is inflamed. And your tongue is heavily coated. You have all the symptoms of influenza.

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本文根据腐腻苔的纹理特点,提出了一种舌苔腐腻的图像分析算法。An image analysis method of curdy and greasy fur based on texture feature is proposed in this paper.

若湿甚则患肢沉重而痛,疲乏,食欲不佳,舌苔厚腻,脉濡缓。If it is very wet and heavy limb pain, fatigue, poor appetite, Tongue thick and greasy, pulse moisten relief.

医生每天都来,号脉、看舌苔、不顾她悲伤的表情,和她开玩笑。The doctor came every day, felt her pulse, looked at her tongue, and made jokes, regardless of her dejected face.

舌质及舌苔的状态,与人体生理病理密切相关。TCM believes that tongue proper and tongue coating are both related with body's physiological and pathological changes.

弦脉相关的舌苔以热、痰证为主,寒、饮证次之。The tongue indicates that the pathogenesis mainly is heat and phlegm, secondly is cold and retention fluid in the body.

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结合中医理论,舌苔薄白、脉弦可作为进一步研究的肝郁证症状条目。Such signs of hepatic depression syndrome as thin white fur of tongue and stringy pulse still need to be further studied.

探讨围绝经期综合征肝郁病理与舌象变化及舌苔脱落细胞凋亡之间的相关性。Study on the interrelationship of liver depression, tongue and tongue epithelial cell apoptosis in perimenopausal syndrome.

病情缓解后,舌质变淡,舌苔变白变薄变润,呈现一定的规律。After disease remission, tongue nature turn light, tongue coating turn white, thin and humid, and they presented certain law.