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我向您介绍一下在座的各位。Le present a todos los presentes.

在座的有没有学数学的?are there any mathematicians here?

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在座的各位都是文科班的学生。All of you are liberal arts students.

在座的各位里有多少人是右利手呢How many people here are right-handed?

在座可能已经有人看过。Many --Some of you may have seen this.

在座有人患有食物厌恶吗?Does anybody here have any food aversions?

在座各位并不都会下国际象棋Not everybody in this room can play chess.

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愿在座的各位都健康幸福!Wish's everyones in are all healthily happy!

在座诸位,一起唱这个,好吗You, students, are going to sing this. Okay?

在座各位并不都会骑自行车Not everybody in this room can ride a bicycle.

皇帝身穿朝服坐在座上。With the emperor in full attire on the throne.

在座有喝威士忌的吗,没有,当然没有Any Scotch drinkers in here? No, of course not.

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Ⅰ.我敢打赌在座的每个人都认识一个瘾君子!I’ll bet everyone in this room knows an addict!

著名的'一个月'歌在座也。The famous 'Mehbooba' song is present here also.

最后,恭祝在座各位新春愉快、身体健康、家庭幸福!Finally, wish all of you a happy Spring Festival.

在座任何一位有志气的领导人都不希望要求得到援助。No proud leader in this room wants to ask for aid.

在座的有些学生充满激情的点着头。The students in the crowd nodded enthusiastically.

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市委常委、副市长刘烈东在座。Vice Mayor Liu Liedong was present at the meeting.

在座的各位同窗,你们是在与我不合的时代来到哈佛的。You graduates came to Harvard at a different time.

对在座的同学来说,我们公司想招聘你们。For the students here, we are trying to recruit you.