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我可以借有生些磁盘吗?Can I borrow some disks?

爱有生有灭,而善意万古长存”。Love comes and goes, but kindness remains.

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在有生的时间能遇到你,竟花光所有运气。It takes all my luck to meet you in my life.

简单说,有生理性的和病理性的。Said simply, since birth rational and pathological.

许多夏末开放的花儿也虎虎有生。There is warmth in many of the late-summer flowers.

为什么万物有生就有死呢?Why is it that for everything, death follows birth?

有生的瞬间遇见你,竟花光所有力气。Have a moment to meet you, to squander all strengths.

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撒一些欧芹,倒入铺有生菜叶的大碗中,趁热食用。Sprinkle with parsley. Serve warm in a lettuce-lined bowl.

有生的瞬间能遇到你,竟花光所有运气。I never expected to encounter you need to cost all my luck.

今天游修瑜生日,我祝她有生之日都快乐。Today is Sandy's birthday. I said, " happy every day" to her.

一切有生之论,都少不了睡眠的调剂。The whole the theory of living , all necessary sleep of adjust.

梁有生的车子撞向油棕树,他的头部受到重创,灵魂离开了身体!Yu Seng was seriously injured on the head and his soul left his body.

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志明指有生要为三十年前的事负责。Tzu chi Ming refers to the effective responsible for thirty years ago.

它的原材料只有生面团和加了牛至叶粉、味道浓郁的番茄大蒜调味汁。The ingredients are simply dough and a rich marinara sauce with oregano.

此后又被披露,很多孩子仍然有生身父母。It's since been revealed, many of the children still have living parents.

在有生旳瞬间遇见你,竟花光全部运气。It actually took all my luck to meet you for just a moment in my lifetime.

生命,乃至一切有生者,均在雾中,而非水晶中孕育而成。Life, and all that lives, is conceived in the mist and not in the crystal.

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中国自古就有生殖崇拜的文化传统。There has been a cultural tradition of genitals worship since ancient China.

况且,如果你50或60岁,就算还有生孩子的机会,也没有必要再去生了。And if you start at 50 or 60, chances are you'll never have to experience it.

在有生的刹时能遇到你,竟花光全部运气。It essentibest friend took my luck to meet you for just a moment in my lifetime.