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这契约无效。The contract is void.

他的一切尝试全归无效。All his try are in vain.

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这药无效。The trug was of no effect.

用户名称无效!User name-ul este invalid!

那份遗嘱被宣告无效。The will was adjudged void.

此证明无效。This certificate is invalid.

文件中无效的设定选项。Invalid setting in the MSDOS.

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他的一切尝试全归无效。All his attempts were in vain.

无效的页面档名,请换一个。Invalid page name. Please try again.

裁判员判定该进球无效。The referee called the goal illegal.

其中一名14岁的男孩在医院抢救无效死亡。A 14-year-old boy's died in hospital.

上个月这桩婚姻被宣告无效。The marriage was annulled last month.

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抢救无效。All rescue measures proved ineffectual.

所有抢救措施都证明无效。All rescue measures proved ineffectual.

修复无效的嵌套和未封闭标记。Fix Invalidly Nested and Unclosed Tags.

我尽力帮助了他,但是枉然无效。I did my best to help him, but in vain.

Belk想要使这个指控无效。Belk wanted to make the charges go away.

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键入的帐户名无效。The account name you typed is not valid.

合同被宣告无效。The contract was declared null and void.

婚姻已宣告无效了。The marriage was declared null and void.