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有机锡化合物疑亦是一种内分泌干扰物质。Organotin compounds are suspected to be endocrine disrupters.

肾上腺骨髓脂肪瘤是一稀少,没有内分泌性的良性肿瘤。Adrenel myelolipoma is a rare, benign and non-functioning tumor.

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肾上腺皮质束状带的内分泌细胞。The secretory cells of the zona fasciculata in the adrenal gland.

我的论点一直是内分泌专家以前这样做过。My argument always is that endocrinologists have done this before.

我们第一个求助的医生是一名生殖内分泌学家。The first doctor we approached was a reproductive endocrinologist.

此项研究是在内分泌学会研讨会上报告的。The study was presented at a Society for Endocrinology conference.

贝勒临床内分泌学与新陈代谢最佳实践。Bailliere's Best Practice in Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.

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有时可见一个腺管上有多个内分泌细胞。Sometimes, several endocrine cells were found on one glandular tube.

双酚A具有较低的急性毒性,但可导致内分泌紊乱。Bisphenol A has low acute toxicity, but it is an endocrine disruptor.

当今,环境内分泌干扰物对人类健康造成了危害。Nowadays, endocrine disrupter chemicals are endangering human health.

全国一半的儿科内分泌专家也加入了那个浪潮中。Half the nation's pediatric endocrinologists participated in that fad.

营养状况及GH等内分泌因子对GHR的表达也有调节作用。Nutrition, GH and other factors can also regulate the expression of GHR.

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测试表明该患者体内分泌大量生长激素。It showed that the patient was producing a huge amount of growth hormone.

对呼吸消化内分泌泌尿系疾病均有研究。Respiratory diseases, urinary tract are digestion and endocrine research.

这项研究成果最近发表在精神神经内分泌学杂志上。The study was recently published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology.

受体阻滞剂能抑制心衰患者神经内分泌的过度激活。Beta-blocker can suppress neurohumoral over activation in patients with HF.

对于内分泌治疗及赫赛汀治疗无效的病例也常常采用化疗。Chemotherapy is often given if hormonal or Herceptin therapy stops working.

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我虽然还没有获得第一证书,但我却对内分泌学很感兴趣。I haven't got my first degree yet but I'm very interested in endocrinology.

研究表明,BPA具有内分泌干扰作用,是环境荷尔蒙物质。It has been reported that BPA was one of environmental endocrine disrupters.

老年人的内分泌机能减退,长期吃花椒能减缓衰老。Hypothyroidism endocrine elderly, long-term eating pepper to slow down aging.