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噢!这个是滚轴刀片。Oh! This is a roller blade.

线锁锁住了打开的刀片。A 'liner lock' locks the blade open.

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劣质的剪切机没有好的刀片。A bad shearer never had a good sickle.

他拥有一个平滑的手柄和一个刀片。It has a flat handle and a razor blade.

那么,我谈到的刀片服务器是什么?So, what is this blade of which I speak?

我的手指头被锋利的刀片给割伤了。I cut my finger on the razor-sharp blade.

然后从另一端将刀片滑出。Then slide the blade out the opposite end.

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将新刀片慢慢滑进金属道里。Slide the new blade into the metal channel.

越来越多马雷公司提供金刚石刀片。More and mare companies offer diamond blades.

你有用我的刮胡刀吗?刀片钝了。NO15, Have you been using my razor? It's dull.

农夫的老旧铰碎机需换新刀片。Nung-fu needs a new blade for the old shredder.

肉冷透后,用利刀片成薄片,排放碟上。Cut pork into thin slices and arrange on a plate.

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一包刀片不会自个儿跑掉藏起来的。A package of razor blades doesn't run away and hide.

刀片服务器是一个理想的平台,虚拟化。BladeSystem is an ideal platform for virtualization.

记住要使用新刀片以防止玻璃刮伤。Always use a new blade to avoid scratching the glass.

推出病理切片机用一次性刀片。Disposable microtome blades for pathology introduced.

我儿子吞了一个刮胡子刀片。Doctor, please hurry. My son swallowed a razor-blade.

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上防护装置必须能够覆盖圆锯的整个刀片。An upper guard must cover the entire blade of the saw.

新系统采用了提请压路机和医生的刀片。The new system utilizes a draw roller and doctor blade.

优质的牛蹄修剪刀有非常薄的刀片,适用于左手。High quality Aesculap hoof knife, thin blade, left hand.