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衰退,怎么说呢,财运失意,爱情得意?Recessions, it seems, are good for love, too.

酒店运营商的财运常常随着整体经济而波动。Hotelier fortunes sway with the broader economy.

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就这样-我要把钱财运用得高明一些。That's it- I am going to manage my money better.

财运方面有点小横财,不妨买点六合彩。Wealth has little fortune, u might buy some lottery.

此时,属肖羊的人财运最佳,收获大损耗小。Money luck is strong, with big gains and small losses.

龙年代表着财运和兴盛。The year of Dragon represents good fortune and prosperity.

酒红色、紫罗兰和红色则能帮助天秤提升财运。The colors burgundy, violet and red increase the earning potential.

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另外,属兔的人能够赢得他人的赞赏和信任,通常财运不错。Rabbit people are also admired, trusted, and are often financially lucky.

澳门赌王何鸿燊财富惊人,赌王家的佣人,也格外财运旺。Stanley Ho wealth amazing, epic house servants, and especially wealth Wang.

金星,财运之星,现在正在表他人金钱的第八宫中。Venus, the planet of money, is now in your eighth house of other people's money.

他们在商店前的铁桶里烧纸钱,祈求好财运。The owners burn it in metal cans in front of their stores and pray for good business.

全世界最卖座的女影星之一朱莉在兔年的财运就很旺。For Jolie, one of the world's top box office stars, financial luck will be hers this year.

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同场熊神进老师更介绍兔年招财法,大家可以参照这些独门秘诀来提升财运。Besides, Master Xiong will introduce ways to enhance fortune in the year of rabbit as well.

中国青年对跨国公司的财运起到至关重要的作用,不仅在中国,全世界都如此。Chinese youth are playing a critical role in the fortunes of multinationals, not just in China, but globally.

了解这些个人品质怎样影响你的财运是财富积累过程中必不可少的部分。Understanding how personal traits can influence your finances is an essential ingredient for building wealth.

具备神灵的财运,并能带来超好运又避灾避难的金龙鱼。Often associated by myths of fortune, that it can bring lucks and avoid disasters to the owner of the Arowana.

第三条,不能打扫卫生,如果搞了卫生,就会把新年里的财运统统扫掉。有道理。Rule three, no sweeping because it means you are sweeping away the wealth of the new year to come. Make sense.

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在美国的某些地区,人们会为了得到好运而吃黑眼豌豆,而青菜被认为可以为新的一年带来财运。S. A. black-eyed peas are eaten for good luck and green vegetables are believed to bring money in the New Year.

倘若睡床摆在财位,日夕在那里躺卧,日积月累,自会对财运在有益处。If berth is placed in money, day night lies over, accumulate over a long period, can carry to money oneself in good part.

因此,人们通常在每年正月初五的凌晨就打开房门,放响炮仗,祈求全年财运兴旺,迎接财神的到来。Therefore, people usually open doors and set off firecrackers to welcome the Chinese god of prosperity on the early morning.