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咔嚓一下变矮了一英尺。And you're one foot shorter.

我听到齿轮,咔嚓,咔嚓,咔嚓。I hear the gears, click, click, click.

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于是,咔嚓-她是世界上最富有的女人了!So, , KAZAM-shes the richest woman in the world!

我的父母坐在观众席上,听到了咔嚓咔嚓两声骨裂。My parents, who sat in the stands, heard two pops.

于是,咔嚓-她是全球上最美丽的女孩子了!So, KAZAM-IT's the most beautiful Woman in the world!

于是,咔嚓-她是世界上最美丽的女人了!So, KAZAM-she's the most beautiful Woman in the world!

一个闪电过后,紧跟的是咔嚓嚓的雷声。After a bright flash, there came a very loudly thunder.

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于是,咔嚓-她是世界上最富饶的女人了!So. KAZAM-she's the richest woman effective in the world!

相机咔嚓的闪耀着,许多人明显的触景生情了。Many are visibly moved, even as the cameras click and flash.

这就像房间里一些陶资碎片的咔嚓声,然后又把它锁上了。It is like rattling some potsherds in a room and then locking it up.

出来后,继续咔嚓一下。看到蓝精灵了吧?格格巫马上就要出现了。I took another one when I got out. See those Smurfs? Gargamel would come soon.

在危机中,首席执行官的幽默很有可能在登上头版之前就被咔嚓掉。In a crisis, chances are that CEO humour will get lost on the way to the front page.

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7/13河豚下颚肌肉发达,能够像鳄鱼般凶狠,“咔嚓”一声咬断长喙下的猎物。A boto's jaw muscles can snap its elongated beak down on prey with crocodilian ferocity.

他们把它围过泰斯拉粗壮的脖子,咔嚓一声扣上,出于某种奇怪的用意。They fastened it around Tesla's thick neck, and it clicked shut with a strange finality.

两人嘴里都叼着烟卷,随即响起了第五次“咔嚓”声。The two men were all holding cigarette in their mouths, then came the fifth sound of "snap".

他们继续吃饭,他上楼去取帽子和大衣。不久大门咔嚓响了一下。They went on dining, while he went upstairs for his hat and coat. Presently the door clicked.

“咔嚓”拍一下左边右边和中央就罢,并不会仔细看所拍之物。Snapping shots left, right and center not really paying attention to what we’ve just captured.

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咔嚓,整个房间突然的光亮和睡得正香的孩子,看起来就像恐怖片里的场景。She clicked, illuminating the entire room and the sleeping child like a scene from a horror movie.

穿过自家院子里的栅栏,奥奇古拉上身后的木质大门,门闩咔嚓一声锁上了。Passing through the fence into his yard, Ochkhuu drags the wooden gate behind him until the latch clicks.

这个手机相机咔嚓出一张照片,压缩并发送到诊所做评估。The phone’s camera then snaps a photograph, compresses the image and sends it to a clinic for evaluation.