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塔昆已经劫夺了我的忠贞的标志。Of that true type hath Tarquin rifled me.

玛丽对约翰的忠贞很有把握。Mary was sure of John's single-mindedness.

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忠贞的爱情容不下负心的背叛。Duteous love can not contain the onerous treachery.

当然了,如果她忠贞,但她的老公在外拈花惹草,她的风险也会增大。Having an unfaithful husband also increases her risk.

但对故国的忠贞美德,公与郑氏相比,实乃有过之而无不及。But his loyalty to the subdued dynasty was no less than Zheng's.

我很敬佩那些过去的现在的忠烈忠贞的男男女女们。I admire those of the past now Valiant Ones loyalty to the men and women.

对爱的信仰是忠贞的,而虚名是可以接纳任何一种形式的争议的。The belief of love is duteous , but the pen name could contain any criticism.

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虽然约坦对主忠贞,犹大国的人民「仍然行为败坏」。Though Jotham was loyal to the Lord, the people of Judah "still acted corruptly ".

白族人心中的蝴蝶泉是忠贞爱情的象征。The local Bai ethnic group regard the spring a symbol of eternal and faithful love.

想像听见天主在你一生的电影落幕后所说的话,「做得好,良善而忠贞的仆人」。Imagine hearing God says after your life's movie, "Well done, good and faithful servant".

可能变成具有非常不一样的忠诚,忠贞的程度更胜于开始时。You may return with very different loyalties and allegiances than you had in the beginning.

后,在望洋兴叹之际,他自沉汨罗江,以明其忠贞卖国的。Later, in a time when no alternative, since Shen Miluo River of his loyalty to the motherland.

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纯洁和忠贞使圣母玛丽亚散发出特殊的美丽,也因次得到了上帝的眷顾。Purity, chastity, and virginity created a special beauty in Mary that attracted God’s attention.

蚂蚁也拿出她老姨送给她的一枚金戒指,我们给彼此带上,以示我们的忠贞友谊。Ants also show her Laoyi gave her a gold ring, we bring to each other, to show our loyal friendship.

一位忠贞的丈夫花费数年,拼成了这个巨大的指向他已故爱妻故乡的爱心。A devoted husband spent years creating this touching heart-shaped meadow as a tribute to his late wife.

你找到了一位世所罕见的奇男子,他灵肉合一,忠贞程度百分百。You found a strange man with world peculiar place, syncretic of his spirit flesh, duteous degree hundred.

他们的忠贞爱情感动了天上的喜鹊,每年的七月七日,数以千计的喜鹊架成了一座鹊桥让牛郎织女相见。Their loyalty to love touched magpies, so every year thousands of magpies built a bridge for them to meet.

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一个正统主义的组织叫忠贞骑士社,在这些共和主义的组织中蠕蠕钻动。A legitimist association, the Chevaliers of Fidelity, stirred about among these the republican affiliations.

数据清楚地说明,长期、恩爱、忠贞的夫妻关系对孩子的成长是很好的。The data is clear that long-term, monogamous, loving relationships between parents are very good for children.

终于她发现自己在吸血鬼的死敌——狼人的圈子里越陷越深,贝拉的忠贞受到了考验。She is drawn into the world of the werewolves, ancestral enemies of the vampires, and finds her loyalties tested.