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南澳特产龙虾。South Australian lobster products.

黔西南有哪些特产食品?What specialty food southwest Guizhou?

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龙井茶是杭州特产。Longjing tea is a specialty of Hangzhou.

水虎是亚马逊盆地的特产。Piranhas are endemic to the Amazon basin.

贝雕是该城的特产。Shell carvings are a specialty of the town.

本镇的特产是什么?。What are the special products of this town?

俺们那嘎特产高丽参。Round here, our specialty is Korean ginseng.

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一些景区可能会卖当地的特产。Also, some scenic spots may sell local foods.

雕刻木器是这个村子的特产。Wood carving are a specialty of this village.

巴迪布是印度尼西亚的特产。Batiks is a special works of art of Indonesia.

当地著名的特产是雅玉鱼。It is known for the local specialty, Yayu fish.

其中一定会有奋起湖的特产大碗豆。There must be a specialty of large peas Fencihu.

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奇切斯特产生过恐惧而又战胜了恐惧。Chichester had experienced fear and conquered it.

天津的特产是煎饼和麻花。Tianjin's specialties are battercake, twist dessert.

你一定要去品尝一下萨克大蛋糕,这是当地的特产。You're sure to see Sacher torte, the local specialty.

岳西茯苓岳西特产,质地特别优良。Poria Yuexi Yuexi specialty, particularly fine texture.

老龙口白酒,雪花啤酒是沈阳的特产。Laolongkou liquor and Snow Beer are Shenyang specialties.

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这些别有风味的小蛋糕是该地的特产。These small spiced cakes are a peculiarity of the region.

多尔池托是皮埃蒙特产区传统的红葡萄品种。The dolcetto is a red grape variety traditional to Piedmont.

南果梨是辽宁鞍山特产。Nanguo pear is the special local product of Anshan, Liaoning.