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这有一个推论。There is a corollary to this.

他得出一些令人脊背发凉的推论。He draws some chilling inferences.

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柏瑞特推论的艾伦证明法。Allen's proof of Peyrot's Conjecture.

你的条理清楚的推论非常正确。Your clear reasoning is quite correct.

这一推论也与其他事实相吻合。This theory fits with other facts, too.

他的推论把整个事情弄糟了。His inference bollix dup the whole deal.

然而我们还是能做出一些推论。OK, so but you still know a number of things.

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我们是否应推论出伊朗没有发射导弹?Are we to infer that no missiles were launched?

根据该列表,我们能推论短语和近似度。From this, we could deduce phrases and proximity.

现在就让它作为一幅画,一种视觉不合逻辑的推论存在吧。Let it stand as a picture, a visual non sequitur.

目的论的推论的原则,我相信The teleological framework of reasoning,I believe

但是,在边沁的论点中有一个没有前提的推论。But there is a non sequitur in Bentham's argument.

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当然,依连推论在工作地点没有俊男是一个原因。Elaine theorizes that trolling at work is the problem.

这项研究有一个令人担忧的推论。There is one worrying possibility this study suggests.

也不会有人会单单依靠推论就来证明上帝。Gone, too, is any attempt to prove God by reason alone.

他的推论如此简便,却值得进一步探讨。His reasoning here, brief as it is, is worth following.

出生日时体重过低被推论是末期肾病致病原因之一。The cause of end stage renal disease is multifactorial.

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这种推论的形式,是一切事物的普遍形式。The syllogistic form is a universal form of all things.

给出了两个有趣的恒等式和一个推论。Then an interesting identity and a corollary are given.

根据这些证据,我们推论他是有罪的。On the basis of the evidence we deduce that he is guilty.