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我们的社区银行也与此休戚相关。And our community banks also have a stake in reform.

梅尔夫人和奥斯蒙德是休戚相关的。Madame Merle's interest was identical with Osmond's.

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陶瓷食具是盛放食物的容器,与人体健康休戚相关。The ceramic tablewares have a bearing on human body.

鼓励你的同事们与公司荣辱与共,休戚相关。Encourage your associates to hold a stake in the company.

我生活在与另一个世界休戚相关的绝对安全感之中。I was living with total security pertaining to the world beyond this one.

“命”与人类的生存休戚相关,统摄人类生活的全部。Fate coexists with the survival of mankind and it rules the whole human life.

国家发展成功与否和社会之关系是休戚相关的。As is well known, a nation's development is closely related to state-society relations.

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受“五四”新思潮洗礼的女作家们对这一与自身命运休戚相关的命题进行了探索。Influenced by this new trend, women writers explored towards the deeply self-related proposition.

从传统上讲,政治的参与度总是与收入和教育程度休戚相关。Traditionally, political participation has always been highly correlated with income and education.

这种并肩奋斗、休戚相关、天下大同的精神就是我们这个时代最鲜明的特色。This together closely related, the struggle, the spirit of datong our age is the most distinctive feature.

双方休戚相关,通过循环利用空气和水来调控彼此的温度。By recycling air and water, the two drink together, breathe together and regulate each other's temperature.

因此,我需要花些时间来说一说为什么华尔街改革与每个美国人休戚相关。So, I just wanted to take a few minutes to talk about why every American has a stake in Wall Street reform.

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中国人民和第三世界国家人民休戚相关,利害与共。The Chinese people and other people of the third world are bound up by common interests and share weal and woe.

在最强大的计算机开发竞赛中,不论是经济繁荣还是国家安全,均与之休戚相关。In the race to develop the most powerful computers, both our economic prosperity and our national security are on the line.

在异国他乡的土地上,我真切地体会到海外赤子的命运与祖国的富强是休戚相关的。When I am abroad, I deeply feel that the good or bad fate of oversea Chinese greatly depends on the strong or week motherland.

前陆盆地及前缘陆隆的演化、迁移与克拉麦里深大断裂的走滑发展休戚相关。The evolution, migration of foreland basin and foreland uplift are closely related with the development of Kalamayli deep faults.

美国政府将几百万英亩的土地无条件赠予了生活贫困却勤勉工作的老百姓,让这些人意识到他们的辛勤劳作与祖国的发展休戚相关。The government gave away millions of acres of land to poor but hard-working Americans, handing them a stake in a developing nation.

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第三,人力资本的发展与中国的未来休戚相关,但中国在教育和培训方面远远落后于发达国家。Third, development of human capital is vital for China's future, butit is far behind developed countries in education and training.

并且面部较瘦也意味着患抑郁症和焦虑症的危险较低,因为心理健康与整个肌体的健康都休戚相关。And a thinner face can also indicate lower risk for depression and anxiety, since mental health is linked to overall physical fitness.

树立社会主义荣辱观与思想政治工作的社会功能发挥休戚相关。The erection of the Hornor and Dishornor Conception of Socialism concerns the function display of ideological and political work very nearly.