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目的研究黄鼬控制害鼠的能力。Objective To research on rat-control capabilities of the yellow weasel.

以草兔、黄鼬、岩松鼠产量最高。Among them most abundant are Talai hare, yellow weasel and rock squirrel.

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他们拍摄下一条蛇被一只黄鼬捕食的全过程。They photographed the entire course of a snake falling victim to a weasel.

五舱带干水渍的黄鼬皮发出难闻的气味。The weasel skin with dry water stains in Hatch No. 5 gives off a horrible smell.

害虫天敌有鹰、猫头鹰、黄鼬、啄木鸟、燕子等。Pests have natural enemies eagles, owls, yellow you, woodpeckers , swallows and so on.

白鼬、雪貂和黄鼬不断掠食这种新西兰特有的鸟。Stoats, ferrets and weasels continue to plunder the birds, which exist uniquely in New Zealand.

因此,温度可能是造成两地黄鼬被毛性状差异的主要原因。So, the temperature may be the cause of the different hair characters of yellow weasel between the two regions.

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它鼻子的顶端是黑色。日本貂和黄鼬很像,不过它比黄鼬梢大的。The point of nose was black, so it was similar with a weasel, but the body was a little bigger than the weasel's one.

Brewdog公司使用动物的死尸来制作该啤酒的怪异瓶身,用的是四只松鼠,七只黄鼬和一只兔子。The dead animals which were used to create the beers' unusual appearance were four squirrels, seven weasels and a hare.

漠河黄鼬为适应寒冷气候需要增强保温功能,而形成比通河黄鼬长、粗和髓质更发达的直针毛。It is an adaptive response to cold temperature for weasels from Mohe region to have longer and thicker straight guard hair compared with those from Tonghe region.