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半册竹简,掌上世界。Half copies bamboo, palm world.

它也可以在竹简上进行。It can also be done on bamboo scrolls.

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按「图像」可显示原竹简图像。Original images can be shown by choosing Image.

多年来,他们写在竹简上。For very many years they wrote on pieces of bamboo.

古代人们把文字写在竹简上。People write words on bamboo slips in ancient times.

竹简就是一条竹片,上面的字是沿着竹竿垂直往下读的。A slip is a tablet read vertically down the bamboo stalk.

出土的木牍竹简极有历史价值。The excavated wooden tablets and bamboo slips are of great historical value.

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迄今仍未发现竹简残缺的部分。The missing parts of the inscribed bamboo slips have not yet been discovered.

甘肃天水放马滩一号秦墓,出土竹简460枚。Fong Ma Tianshui, Gansu Beach on the 1st Qin tomb, unearthed bamboo slips 460.

在发明纸张以前,竹简是最常用的书写介质。Before paper was invented, slips of bamboo were the most important writing medium.

整理者根据竹简形制及长短不同,将简文分成甲、乙、丙三组。The researchers divided these slips into three bundles based on their form and length.

据说,这些带有中国文字的竹简是在湖南发现的。It is reported that these pieces of bamboo with Chinese characters were found in Hunan.

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竹简的主要内容有历谱、日书、病方及其他文字资料。The main content of bamboo calendar spectrum, Japanese book, Bing Fang, and other written materials.

因此,我们暂将这批竹简划归西汉简牍一并论述。Therefore, we temporarily assigned to this group of bamboo along the Western Han Dynasty Jian Du discussed.

考古学家根据墓葬的年代,判断竹简本的成书不会晚于公元前278年。According to the age of the grave, archaeologists determined that these slips could be dated prior to 278 BCE.

表示阁下希望对应的原文会以黄色标示,竹简上端的红点显示对应的部份。The required text will be highlighted and the matching part of the Jianbo image will be indicated by a red dot.

云梦睡虎地出土的秦代法律文书竹简等,都具有极高的艺术价值和研究价值。Shuihudi Qin Dynasty unearthed bamboo and other legal instruments, have very high artistic value and research value.

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从郭店竹简的材料看,天人之分是早期儒家的一个基本主张。With bamboo strips from Guodian, non-connection between the Heaven and man is a basic thought of early Confucianism.

竹简,一种将文字、图像或其他各种特定的符号写绘于事先加工过的竹片上的书籍形式。Bamboo Slip is a form of writing on which words, pictures and other kinds of expressions are written or drawn onto pre-conditioned bamboo slips.

他献上的两车竹简兼论文武,提出治国、外交、安边等完整建议,使汉武帝刮目相看。He offered the two car on the proposed rule, and the bamboo slips, diplomacy, an edge of the complete proposal, the emperor sit up and take notice.