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是否奴役?Is it Enslaving?

我要奴役全人类!I will enslave all mankind.

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我认为个人债务类似于奴役制。I view personal debt as slavery.

从奴役我们的罗马军队那里夺来的!From the enslaving force of Rome!

他们从奴役中被解放出来。They were delivered from slavery.

我们决不甘受奴役。We shall never submit to slavery.

受奴役者放声歌唱。From the enslaved populace, songs.

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我猜他们将此看成一种奴役行为。I guess they view it as servitude.

它能让我们自由也会奴役我们。It either frees us or enslaves us.

人也是唯一的奴役他人的动物。And he is the only animal who enslaves.

安提戈涅挑战他的奴役幸福。Antigone challenges his servile happiness.

亚里士多德告诉我们奴役是自然的演变。Aristotle tells us that slavery is natural.

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一个奴役人作牛作马,另一个却释放人得以自由。One made slaves, the other set people free.

有些人说自己从事“奴役劳动”。Some describe their work as “slave labour”.

我们不甘受奴役。We shall never submit ourselves to slavery.

倘若不被你奴役,我绝不会自由自在。Except you enthrall me, never shall be free.

奴役、贪婪、恐惧、邪欲伴着你睡倒。Treason and Slavery, Rapine, Fear, and Lust.

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他感到借债便是奴役的开始。A debt was, to him, the beginning of slavery.

在侵略者的铁蹄下,他们受尽了奴役。They suffered a lot under the invader's heel.

正如奥黛比说的“从奴役中得到解放”。"Emancipation from slavery, " says Ms Otaibi.