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腰痛、腹部憋胀、血尿。Low back pain, abdominal swelling, and hematuria.

“感兴趣的人以上文章”什么是血尿?People interested in the above article What Is Hematuria?

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因为血尿病情严重,所有动物或病死或实施安乐死。All animals died or were euthanized because of severe uremia.

接着我看到血尿从我的牛仔裤裤腿中蜿蜒而出。And I can see the bloody urine trickling out the cuffs of my jeans.

血尿和腰腹部疼痛为其主要临床症状。Hematuria and the waist abdomen ache is its main clinical symptoms.

主要的临床症状是无痛性肉眼血尿及腰痛。The most common symptoms were painless gross hematuria and flank pain.

一位71岁女性因无痛性血尿就诊。A 71-year-old female presented with painless gross hematuria for 2 weeks.

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除3例有一过性淡血尿外,余无并发症。No complications occurred except for 3 cases of mild transient hematuria.

后来,化疗结束以后,病人出现了血尿。So the chemo finished. Then, blood began to appear in the patient's urine.

在长期严重血尿的病例会发展失血性贫血。Some cases of severe and chronic haematuria may develop blood loss anaemia.

肾性蛋白尿、血尿无证可辨是临床治疗中的一个难题。Asymptomatic renal albuminuria and hematuria are difficult to cure in clinic.

此种病人有可能合并发生无痛性血尿和泌尿道感染。Cases are associated with painless gross hematuria and urinary tract infection.

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结果主要症状为膀胱刺激症状、血尿和排尿困难。Results The cardinal symptoms were bladder irritation sign, hematuria and dysuria.

观察治疗前后患者血尿、蛋白尿及临床症状的变化。Compare the change of hematuria, albuminuria and symptoms before and after treatment.

并对引起药源性血尿的原因进行了分析,建议应注意合理用药,减少药源性肾损害的发生。Rational use of drugs was suggested in order to reduce the drug-induced renal damage.

慢性肾炎以水肿、蛋白尿、血尿为其临床三主症。Edema, proteinuria and hematuria are three main clinical symptoms of chronic nephritis.

目的通过相差显微镜观察红细胞形态的变形程度鉴别血尿来源。Objective To distinguish the origin of hematuria by using the phase-contrast microscope.

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出血可发生于被咬部位或粘膜,可见呕血,黑粪和血尿。Bleeding can occur in parts bitten or mucosa, that hematemesis , black excrement and urine.

腰痛、肾区肿块和血尿是三个典型症状。Thus, presenting symptoms and signs usually include flank pain, mass effect, and hematuria.

一位57岁女性因间断性血尿持续数周而至本院求诊。A 57-year-old female presented with intermittent painless gross hematuria for several weeks.