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我看到了唐三藏的头盖骨。I saw Monk Tang San Zang's head bone.

这里的建筑四分之三藏于洞中。Three quarters are hidden in the mountain cave.

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下面的地图显示当年唐三藏到天竺取经的路线。The below map shows the route Xuanzang went to India.

真有趣,听起来就像是三藏的紧箍咒。It is interesting. It seems that it's Tripitaka's Curse.

三藏脚踏了凡地,自觉心惊。With his feet on the mundane earth, Tripitaka was stunned.

把唐三藏洗剥洁净了,抬到蒸笼上去!The monk tang wash stripped clean, carried to the steamer up!

三藏是震惊,他的暴力和驱逐猴从小组。Tripitaka is horrified by his violence and expels Monkey from the group.

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目前,互联网上已有完整的罗马文拼写的巴利三藏。The entire Pali Tipitaka in Roman script is now available on the internet.

这个极短的教法涵盖了全部三藏教法与金刚乘的精华。This very short teaching contains the essence of all the Tripitaka and Vajrayana.

唐三藏历经九九八十一难终于取得了真经。After eighty adventurous experiences, Tang Sanzang finally got the real Buddhist scripture.

如果没有所谓这三位恶徒的话,唐三藏有可能无法到达西方。Without these three ferocious disciples , xuan zang might not have been able to reach the west.

少林寺方丈三藏经祖师指点,寻找这一千年前三位少林盖世英雄的转世。Sanzang, the great Shaolin master, communicates with the divine spirits of his ancestors of advice.

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而对空的内在含义及其本身的解释,参看三藏其它章节的解释也是必要的。However, for an explanation of emptiness in and of itself, it's necessary to look elsewhere in the Canon.

没看一集都让我有一种唐三藏西天取经的感觉,一难接一难的!Didn't see a set to let me have a sense of longevity monk buddhist paradise to take a hard, hard to pick up a! ! ! ! !

师尊,我希望申请,因为你们有很多资源,我们可以为你提供物质,贝叶经三藏。Master I would like to appeal, as you have lots of resources we can provide you with the materials, BeiYiJing Tripitaka.

由此,三藏一行人开始了前往在遥远西域的天竺国的旅程。From this, what person of 3 Tibet group began to head for the Tian Zhu country in distant the Western Regions is itinerary.

作为世界性的宗教,佛教已由原始佛教的素朴一味,流变为如今的宗派林立,教义繁杂,佛学典籍三藏十二部更是浩如烟海。As a world religion, Buddhism has been more and more complex, difficult to understand, Buddhistic classical works are so many.

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孙悟空,你这个畜牲。你本来答应如来佛祖护送你师傅唐三藏去取西经,你居然跟牛魔王串通要吃你师傅。你知不知道你犯了弥天大罪?Monkey King, you bastard. You even want to eat your master together with King Bull. Do you know you've made a real big mistake?

你本来答应如来佛祖护送你师父唐三藏去取西经,你居然跟牛魔王串通要吃你师父。You've promised Buddha to help the Longevity Monk to get scriptures in the west. But the King Bull and you decided to eat your master.

你本来答应如来佛祖护送你师傅唐三藏去取西经,你居然跟牛魔王串通要吃你师傅。You’ve promised Buddha to help the Longevity Monk to get scriptures in the west. But the King Bull and you decided to eat your master.