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他对自己的父亲崇拜得五体投地。He fell all over his own father.

杰克爱他的女友爱得五体投地。Jack is totally in love with his girlfriend.

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他对这位少女真是崇拜得五体投地。He was rapt in admiration of that young lady.

那位喜剧演员真是使观众五体投地。The comedian really knocked the audience dead.

只要你胜利了,他们就对你五体投地。As long as you succeed they are yours entirely.

玛丽对约翰佩服得五体投地。Mary admires John from the bottom of her heart.

我们大家对你佩服得五体投地。We're all beside ourselves with admiration for you.

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我可以把自己骂死,也可以把你自责得五体投地。I can put their cursing, you can also get extremely admire.

该名主要发言人让听众对他的智慧佩服得五体投地。The lead speaker brought the audience to its feet with his wit.

不用多说什么,猛龙队上下对科比的能力无疑佩服的五体投地。The Toronto Raptors don't need any reminders of Bryant's capabilities.

最让我五体投地的是,他是将饮食作为“学问之道”来认认真真研究的。I extremely admire is, he is the diet as" road to learning" to seriously study.

保罗、阿瑟和安妮心里巴不得人人都羡慕得五体投地。Paul and Arthur and Annie expected everybody to bow to the ground in admiration.

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他高度赞赏这部小说,他对作者简直崇拜得五体投地。He spoke highly of the novel. He almost worshipped the ground the author trod on.

时间过于伟大,伟大得我对他佩服得五体投地甘愿屈服于他的脚下。Time is too great, great to him I extremely admire are willing to succumb to his feet.

仅仅几分钟后,我对这位自己未曾闻其名的中国钢琴家五体投地——叫我如何不爱他。Within minutes, I was full of admiration for the unknown Chinese pianist and then full of love.

在城门边,在炉火旁,我曾看到你们五体投地,膜拜自己的自由At the city gate and by your fireside I have seen you prostrate yourself and worship your own freedom

在课堂上看到了顾琴老师为我们做的示范,她的气场很大,写下来的字很讲究力道,让我佩服的五体投地啊!Miss Gu demonstrate three Chinese words on our class, her atmosphere is great! I admire her very much!

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真是可谓“未卜先知”,让人膛目结舌、目瞪口呆,把你崇拜得五体投地,称你做活神仙。Is it "prophet", let a person be loaded mesh tongue, speechless, put your worship in high esteem, say you vivid immortal.

所有的柏林大学生都想见识此人,他的信徒对他是那样五体投地,而他的敌人对他又是那样恨之入骨。All the students in berlin wanted to see and hear this man whom his adherents so much admired and his opponents so much detested.

同学们对于一些如雷贯耳的大名往往崇拜得五体投地,只要资料上出现,买断不误。Classmates often adore so that extremely admire to the name of a few reverberate like thunder, should appear on the data only, buy outright not by accident.