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畜栏里的牛、鸡,和兔子纷纷逃散。Cows chickens and rabbits scurried.

我们的汽车向前开动时,鹿群吓得逃散了。When our car drove forward, the deer spooked.

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当他无辜被钉十字架时,他的门徒大都逃散了。Innocent when he was crucified, he fled Most of the disciples.

庞培的年轻士兵被吓得四处逃散。Panic spreads among Pompey's young soldiers as they turn and flee.

逃散的青春幻化成了天使,长出了金色的翅膀,闪闪的。Flight youth turned into angels, long out of golden wings, sparkling.

街上的一声突然爆炸使人们四处逃散。A sudden explosion in the street sent people running in every direction.

武装力量随后进行了扫荡,用机枪扫射四处逃散的人群。Military forces then swooped down to machine gun the fleeing population.

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当持有机枪的士兵向人群进逼时,示威者逃散了。The demonstrators fled when soldiers toting machine guns advanced on the crowd.

牛群开始恐慌和逃散。这是一个致命的错误。它们的防线崩溃,它们不能保护自己的幼仔。The herd panics and runs. It is a fatal mistake. Their lines broken, they cannot protect their young.

星期三在警察开枪射击警告下,缅甸僧吕和其他抗议人群被迫逃散。Monks and other protesters scatter Wednesday after police fired warning shots to stop a demonstration.

仅仅这些噪音就能让觅食的鸽子像看到老鹰的影子一样迅速四处逃散。That noise alone will scatter a flock of feeding pigeons just as quick as the shadow of a passing hawk.

他说,“但后来人们尖叫着逃散,有的倒在地上,到处是叫喊声。”But then some people running away started screaming and fell on the ground. There was a lot of screaming.

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这是士兵们第一次在阿富汗开火,在几分钟后,叛军逃散到丛林里,战斗结束。Thefirefight, the platoon’s first in Afghanistan, was over in minutes as theinsurgents scattered into the woods.

即使楼梯没有因地震而倒塌,也会被众多的逃散人群而压塌。Even if the stairs are not collapsed by the earthquake, they may collapse later when overloaded by fleeing people.

负责人声称他们是在持枪者向逃散的儿童射击时被迫发动营救行动的。Authorities said they had been forced to launch a rescue operation when the gunmen opened fire on fleeing children.

耶路撒冷教会有一个美好的开始,可是,后来当逼迫临到,信徒便逃散到各地。The Jerusalem church had a wonderful start, but then was hit by persecution and many of its members were scattered.

现场录像显示,现场观众惊慌地向四处逃散,同时保安人员冲向瓦尔兹和奥图,将两人带离现场。A recording of the moment shows the audience run away in panic, as security guards rush Waltz and Auteuil off stage.

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当艾紫培威胁伊组黎时,凡瑟展示了自己的魔力,妖精们迅速的逃散了。When Elspeth threatened Ezuri, however, the elf backed down and his followers fled after a display of Venser's magic.

当倒霉的飞行员把直升机降落在印有“H”字样的场地上时,赛手们四处逃散。Players scurried for cover when the hapless pilot set the chopper down on the letter "H" painted in the corner of the cricket ground.

在进村子处设了防御工事,但是普鲁士的弹片一飞,大家全又逃散了,于是罗博就缚。The entrance to the village was barricaded, but at the first volley of Prussian canister, all took to flight again, and Lobau was taken.