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脸盆边上有个小豁口。The washbasin had a small chip.

给我拿一个脸盆和一个水桶。Bring me a washbasin and a pail.

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我可以用你的脸盆吗——当然可以。Can I use your basin of course, you can.

关上水龙头——脸盆的水满溢出来了。Turn off the taps——the basin is brimming over.

每一间卧室都配有一个脸盆,且有热水和冷水供应。Each bedroom has a washbasin with hot and cold water.

每天早上上学,我们都要带上脸盆和墨水瓶。Every morning, we are taking washbasin and small bottle.

英国陶瓷脸盆收藏家希望找到买家!British ceramic washbasin collectors hope to find buyers!

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我和弟弟拿着一个小脸盆来到池塘边。My brother and I took a small washbasin came to the pond.

铁匠把一张铁皮敲打成一个脸盆。The blacksmith pounded an iron sheet out to a wash-basin.

大熊每天吃两顿,一顿吃一脸盆玉米糊糊。A big bear dines twice a day, eating a basin of corn paste.

我的脸盆上有一个洞,水都流走了。There is a hole in my washbasin,and the water is running away.

运行在水槽中的热水,或填补了用热水一个脸盆。Run the hot water in the sink or fill up a basin with hot water.

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当我在克朗戈伍斯把脸孔进一脸盆水星的时候,就什么都看不见了。When I put my face into it in the basin at Clongowes. Can't see!

想哭就拿脸盆放下巴,哭泪了还可以洗洗脸。Take the bus down the basin cry, cry tears of you can wash your face.

他们给他的只不过是一块灰布以及一个小脸盆,让他自己清洗的伤口。They gave him but a grey rag and a little basin to clean his own wound.

早晨起来,我偷偷地把尿湿的被单放到脸盆里浸上。In the mornings I would sneak the soiled sheets to the washbasin and soak them.

早晨起来,我偷偷地把尿湿的被单放到脸盆�浸上。In the mornings I would sneak the soiled sheets to the washbasin and soak them.

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我刮好脸,把脸浸到脸盆里,用凉水洗一洗。I finished shaving and put my face down into the bowl and washed it with cold water.

海蟹一上桌,那家伙的个儿大得像小脸盆,真是令人跃跃欲试,兴奋不已。Crab a serve, that guy's stature as big as a small basin, I am really eager, excited.

房三儿唱完歌曲下床撒尿,站在佟美睡觉的床边,对着一个脸盆撒尿。Sang the songs of bed pee room 3, stand in tong beauty sleep bed, on a washbasin pee.