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我被人嘘下了舞台。And booed off stage.

莫文蔚本来就是属于舞台的。She belongs to the stage.

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雷欧在舞台上总是抢风头。Leo is a real ham on stage.

这出歌剧的舞台效果好。The opera was good theater.

他们全都在舞台上。They were all on the stage.

她狂热地迷恋着舞台生活。She was mad about the stage.

他们猛烈的撞击舞台。They were storming the stage.

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他的妻子早就从事于舞台艺术了。His wife went in for the stage.

她擅长舞台上的表情达意。She excels in stage projection.

热爱梦妮嘉的舞台秀!What are our stage shows about?

为性满足营造良好的舞台Set the stage for satisfying sex

我们只站在那舞台上并且弹唱。We just go on stage and we play.

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大约有10个不同的舞台。And there's ten different stages.

舞台上灯光灿烂。The stage was flooded with light.

舞台上花团锦簇。Various flowers damask the stage.

在人生的舞台上我们都想取得成功。All of us want to succeed in life.

对于旧世界而言,它的舞台已经谢幕。For the old world, it’s game over.

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似乎舞台上一个没有经验的演员。As an unperfect actor on the stage.

接着舞台上出现了一个人。Then someone appeared on the stage.

你可以看到设在这儿的舞台。And, you can see the stage set here.