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我们也种了四季豆和蕃茄。We planted green beans and tomatoes.

煮熟的红芸豆可以代替四季豆。Cooked kidney beans can be used in place of French beans.

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豌豆和蚕豆—豇豆、四季豆、利马豆Peas and beans – black-eyed peas, kidney beans, lima beans

我的爱好则是一些黑色的、藏青色的菜豆或者四季豆。Some of my favorites are black, navy, pinto and kidney beans.

豆角包括扁豆、芸豆、菜豆、刀豆、四季豆等。Beans in particular, including lentils, green peas, beans, etc.

昨晚的佳肴当中我的最爱是“炒四季豆配肉松”。My favourite for the nite is the Fried snake bean with mince meat.

我喜欢核桃、烤四季豆和杏仁奶油和水果。I'm a fan of walnuts, baked green beans, and fruit with almond butter.

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他们卖甜不辣、红薯、四季豆、鱿鱼、香菇还有鱼板。They've got tempura, yams, green beans, squid, mushrooms, and fish patties.

她现在爱上了四季豆和芦笋,也开始喜欢上了牛排。She's now a fan of green beans and asparagus. She has learned to love steak.

她现在差不多有0.75英寸长,有四季豆大小。She is now about three-quarters of an inch long and about the size of a kidney bean.

我烹调四季豆的方法是先煮,然后再加番茄酱焖。My method of cooking green beans is to steam them first and then simmer in tomato sauce.

我们要蚝油菜心,干煸四季豆和蘑菇汤。We'll take the Season Vegetable in Oyster Sauce, the string Beans and the Mushroom Soup.

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热镬放4汤匙油,煮至极热,放入四季豆以大火炒3分钟至软身。Heat a wok with 4 tbsp of oil until oil is very hot. Stir fry string bean for 3 mins until softens.

什锦生菜、鲔鱼、黑橄榄、珍珠洋芋、四季豆、鳀鱼、蛋。佐主厨特制油酱。Lettuce, tuna, black olive, potato, French beans, anchovy and boiled egg, with chef vinaigrette seasoning.

让孩子帮忙妈妈摘四季豆、碗豆、空心菜,能训练孩子手指的灵活性。Have your child help with cleaning vegetables such as peas, and string beans to improve his finger flexibility.

最后一道菜是“榄菜肉碎四季豆”,堪称是顶级一餐的完美结尾。A final dish of sautéed minced pork with green beans and pickled acorns was a great finish to a really superb meal.

玉米和土豆比黄瓜和四季豆等其他富含水分的蔬菜的热量要高。Corn and potatoes are higher in calories than other highwater- content vegetables such as cucumbers and green beans.

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在菲律宾的农民正在对翅豆,四季豆,竹宇和木薯这样的作物表现了新爱好。Farmers in the Philippines are showing new interest in crops like winged beans, string beans, arrowroot and cassava.

我们的蔬菜有蚝油菜心、杯芥菜和干煽四季豆,汤有鱼翅汤和蘑菇汤。Season Vegetables in Oyster Sauce, Mustard Greens with Scallop, Fried String beans, Shark's Fin Soup and Mushroom Soup.

将调味汁淋在牛排上面。趁热随水煮四季豆,玉米,鸡干酱合法包片上桌。Serve hot with the sauce poured on top and the blanched vegetables, chicken liver pate and French bread slices alongside.