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这可怜的东西,他这一辈子也够多灾多难的了。He's had enough trouble in his life, poor thing.

我是你的妻子,这是你的儿子‘多灾多难’。I am a son's' that you of wife, this is you are ill-starred'.

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淮河流域是我国洪涝灾害发生最为频繁、历史上多灾多难的地区之一。Huaihe River Basin is one of the most calamitous area of China.

她的一生多灾多难,疾病缠身,贫困之极,兼爱子又失。Her life has been full of ordeals sickness poverty and loss of her beloved son.

旧金山是一个多灾多难的城市,自然灾害、人为灾害遍布其中。San Francisco is exposed to a wide variety of hazards, both natural and man-made.

她相信黎巴嫩多灾多难的过去对生意有积极的影响。She believes that Lebanon's troubled past can have a positive impact on business.

形而上学是传统哲学的核心,但是形而上学的命运却多灾多难。Metaphysics is the core of the traditional philosophy, but its destiny is distressful.

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没多少人会觉得在这多灾多难面前自民党能比民主党高明到哪儿去。Few people believe it would have handled the many-headed catastrophe any more adroitly.

看来接下来的几个月注定是多事之秋,而且还是多灾多难。Just another way in which the coming months promise to be eventful, and not in a good way.

就是在这一天他终于认识到,在这个多灾多难的世界上并不存在什么太平乐土。It is the day he realizes that there are no untroubled countries in this fearfully troubled world.

新闻订阅总是避免让人觉得病态,但今年真的是多灾多难的一年。NewsFeed is always reluctant to be morbid, but this has really been a banner year for catastrophe.

马克思所认为的现实世界,就是费尔巴哈所说的“多灾多难的现实人间”。The realistic world in Karl Marx's mind is the one with "calamity trodden" as Feuerbach has put it.

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你当着这个人说这话,这个当爸爸的人最近刚刚失去了——就凭这条狗,也敢说一辈子多灾多难?You are saying to this man, this father, who has recently lost--the dog has had trouble in his life?

若是真的看见了这个世界的多灾多难,我们一定会去付出,因为我们是拥有慈悲心肠的人类。If we are present as we look out this * and troubled world.We will give , because we are compassionate beings.

波多黎各正在从一个特格韦尔经常称之为“多灾多难的地方”变为一个兴旺的社会。From a "stricken land" as Tugwell used to call it, Puerto Rico was being transformed into a thriving community.

你的上封邮件让我彻夜难眠,这张多灾多难的订单更让我度过了一个昏昏沉沉的周末。Your last mail made me trouble sleeping whole night. Moreover, this suffering order took me for a drowsed weekend.

副队长非常渴望这个赛季能够遨游一次温布利,他要确保这个多灾多难的赛季能够尚存捧杯的希望。The vice-captain is desperate to make the jaunt this season and ensure a difficult campaign ends with a silver lining.

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这次大胆的行动引起议会骚乱,还导致瓦洛伦议长多灾多难的政治生涯又多了一起丑闻。The bold action caused great uproar in the Senate, marking yet another scandal in Chancellor Valorum's checkered career.

正如一百多年来中华民族从半殖民地社会向着现代化国家的复兴之路,多灾多难,历尽艰辛!Just like the long march for China, rise from a semi-colony up to a modern independent country, with countless difficulties.

正如一百多年来中华民族从半殖民地社会向着现代化国家的复兴之路,多灾多难,历尽艰辛!Just like the long march for China, rising from a semicolony upto a modern independent country, with countless difficulties.