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你有散光。You have astigmatism.

你有散光吗?Do you have astigmatism?

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如何治散光?How do cure astigmatism?

大多数人都有一定程度的散光。Most people have some degree of astigmatism.

而且这种眼镜也无法矫正严重的散光。And these lenses do not correct serious astigmatism.

眼睛问题。先天性弱视。远视加散光。Eye problem. Congenital amblyopia. Long sight adds astigmatism.

也许你在课堂上睡觉是因为你的眼睛散光。Maybe you fall asleep in class because of uncorrected astigmatism.

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没错,我又严重的近视,还有散光。It was true, I'm severely nearsighted with and astigmatism to boot.

散光可发生在除近视和远视。Astigmatism can occur in addition to nearsightedness and farsightedness.

这叫交叉柱镜检查,为了更精确地检查你眼睛的散光。This is cross- cylinder lenses testing. To check your astigmatism exactly.

综合电脑验光检测包括了对散光的检测。A comprehensive optometric examination will include testing for astigmatism.

患有散光的近视患者,能佩戴隐形眼镜吗?Have the nearsighted patient of astigmatism, can you adorn invisible glasses?

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结果观察组的近视度和散光度随戴镜时间延长相对稳定。Results myopic power and astigmatism relatively keep stabilization after 1 year.

散光盘是用于辅助检测并矫正散光的视标。Astigmatic dials are targets used for the detection and correction of astigmatism.

有效地矫正近视、远视和散光。The procedure effectively corrects nearsightedness farsightedness and astigmatism.

由角膜瓣褶皱所造成的散光或其他角膜瓣的并发症。New astigmatism caused by wrinkling in the corneal flap or other flap complications.

目的研究3种白内障手术切口对术后早期散光的影响。To study effect of 3 kinds of Incisions on early astigmatism after cataract surgery.

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利用已有的光学系统模型讨论了杂散光的计算和分析方法。Mento-Carlo method and light tracing method for computing stray light are introduced.

目的观察角膜地形图仪与散瞳验光测得的散光差异。To evaluate differences on astigmatism in corneal topography and mydriatic optometry.

尝试简单道奇和烧伤,在放大器的工具或散光,使好照片。Try simple dodge and burn tools or light diffusers in the enlarger to make good prints.