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我没那份情感。培训。I'm not in the mood.

但我们需要培训的。But we need the training.

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报一门英语培训课?Take a course in English.

进行在岗培训。Conduct the on-job training.

我并不反对职业培训。I'm not against job training.

培训评估团队。Training the assessment team.

这是一节培训课,学习煮中国菜。What a P. E class in chinese ?

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但是也要接受驾驶员培训。And you'd also go to drivers ed.

抓紧培训审计人才。Grasp trining talents for audit.

今天我们称之为「门徒培训」。Today we call this "discipling".

你知道有什么培训学校吗?Do you know any training schools?

我们已经经过技术培训了。We have been technically trained.

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培训会以什么形式进行?What form will the training take?

谢谢你带我去看培训网。Thanks for taking me to the movie.

今天我参加驾照培训考试。Today, I took my driver's ed test.

而雇员再培训计划供应的萎缩。And the supply of ERs is shrinking.

里克列文,规则培训宣言Rick Levine, The Cluetrain Manifesto

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我们去了同一家培训学校。We went to the same training school.

良好的人才培训机制。Nice talented person grooms mechanism.

协调部门间交叉培训。Coordinate departmental cross-training.