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这是我们的地球。This is our planet.

今天是地球日。Today is Earth Day.

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地球是一球状体。The Earth is a ball.

我是地球仙境。I am the Earth Faerie.

不同于地球出生的。Not as the earth-born.

地球是一个球体。The earth is a sphere.

你居住在地球的哪一面?。Which side are VOU On?

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我们叫它滚地球。We call it ground ball.

我们必须拯救地球。We must save the earth.

让我们一起保护地球吧!Let us protect the earth!

因此,地球是静止不动的。Ergo, the Earth was still.

本周二是“地球日”。This Tuesday is Earth Day.

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我们必须保护地球。We must protect the earth.

为何地球在流血?Why is the earth blooding?

过盛的二氧化碳使地球保持温暖。Excess CO2 warms the Earth.

是为了地球而庆祝的,It's celebrating the Earth,

月球围绕着地球运转。The moon circles the earth.

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我是盖亚,地球母亲,嬗。AM Gaia, Mother Earth, Shan.

你知道地球日吗?Do you know about Earth Day?

地球下坠要多久呢?How long will the earth fall?