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我的爱好是踏板车。My hobby is riding my scooter.

但踏板对我有反力。But the pedals push back on me.

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在我的生活中,与踏板车邂逅是很晚的事情了。I came to scootering late in life.

露西腿长,她来踩踏板。Because Lucy has long legs she pedals.

双或单双面自行车踏板?。Double- or Single-Sided Bicycle Pedal?

孩子们在院子里骑踏板车玩呢。The children are scootering in the yard.

他的三轮车的踏板坏了。The pedals of his tricycle did not work.

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我总是试图使用夹板附带踏板我使用。I was playing golf and my cleats got stuck.

完全踩下刹车踏板并踩住不放。Fully depress and hold down the brake pedal.

所以他们重新使用踏板抽水机。So they are using their treadle pumps again.

放心使用,典型的旋钮为混响踏板。Ease to use, typical knobs for a reverb pedal.

将引擎前方的护把、踏板、座垫给拆除。Removed the protect bar, treadle and the seat.

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自行车的踏板与曲柄相连。The pedals of a cycle are attached to a crank.

在车上,离合器是由最左的踏板控制的。In a car it is operated by the left-most pedal.

踏下并保持煞车踏板在使用位置。Press and hold brake pedal in applied position.

缝纫机的踏板需要修理。The pedal of the sewing machine needs reparing.

不得踏下离合器踏板,空档滑行。Do not coast with your foot on the clutch pedal.

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在空旷的地方,用力踩下刹车踏板。In a clear area, step sharply on the brake pedal.

她踩下油门踏板,使引擎隆隆作响。She pressed on the accelerator,roaring the engine.

她正用脚踩动缝纫机的踏板。She was working the treadle of her sewing-machine.