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喜欢脚踩著雨水坑。Step in the puddles.

她哗哗地尚过水坑。She splashed through the puddles.

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下一站系大水坑。The next station is Tai Shui Hang.

我要怎么去找捞鱼的地方呢?水坑。How can I find where to scoop fish?

狗舔水坑中的水喝。The dog licked up water in a puddle.

请往前,这儿有个水坑。Please go ahead, since there is a pool.

融化的冰水在平坦冰冻的海面上形成水坑。The meltwater puddled the flat sea ice.

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水坑在阳光下迅速蒸发。The puddle evaporated rapidly in the sun.

不合逻辑的歌曲恨一个水坑好东西。Illogic song "Hate in a Puddle" good stuff.

穿过水坑时,汽车的轮胎发出扑哧声。The car's tires whispered through the puddles.

雨后孩子们常在水坑中泼水玩耍。The children always puddle about after a rain.

溢出来的水在桌子上形成了一个水坑。Water spilled out making a puddle onto the table.

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我看到时,那里只有几个充满泥浆的小水坑。A few muddy puddles are all that remain of the water.

他在回家的路上跨过了好几个雨水坑。He strided across several rain puddle on his way home.

穿过小树林,走过一片墓地就看到了一个水坑。Throughasmall forest, past a cemetery to see a puddle.

在一个炎热潮湿的日子,男孩子们奔向水坑。Boys are running towards a waterhole in a hot &humid day

一路上带我绕开水坑,躲开车辆。Along the way take me around a puddle of mayotte, vehicles.

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它们像水坑中的垃圾一样退缩成一缕缕白云。They turn in the skeins of white clouds like trash in a puddle.

他们发现这些水坑中有两种不同的亚种。They found that the puddles contained two different subpopulations.

受持小棍子搅动水坑里的油渍映射出的彩虹图案。Take a stick and swirl the rainbow pattern of an oily film on a puddle.