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在迅疾的风中,自由如一叶扁舟。Free as a skiff before the dancing wind.

他不想提前承诺未来会再降息.很显然他对再次降息打开了大门,但并没有暗示会像英国央行一样迅疾行动.He doesn't want to pre-commit to future rate cuts.

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你好,我是迅疾出租车公司。能为你帮忙吗?Hello. Fast Taxi Service here. How may I help you?

和迅疾的矮脚马怎么说再见还有打猎?And what is to say goodbye to the swift pony and then hunt?

一股迅疾而强有力的冲动促使他要向坎坷的命运奋斗。An instantaneous and strong impulse moved him to battle with his desperate fate.

该死的死猫反弹只能使该企业的所处的境地迅疾恶化。The company can only go to hell in a handbasket with this damned dead-cat bounce.

这种职位在当时的波兰成为可能,本身就可以说明一切来得多么迅疾。That such a position was even possible in Poland tells us much about the rush of events.

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即使是依靠步行,他们依靠迅疾之足也可以进行另人恐惧的高速行军。Even when on foot, the Dark Eldar are frighteningly fast with their Fleet of Foot special rule.

清晨静谧之中的澎湃的潮水是那么迅疾,那么深沉,那么可信,有如意气相投的挚友。The strong tide, so swift, so deep, and certain, was like a congenial friend, in the morning stillness.

你没看见潮水从四面八方迅疾地往上涨吗?刹那间就把浅滩变成一片汪洋,颜色像椰子壳。Do you see the tide flowing quickly in on all sides, sheeting the lows of sands quickly, shell cocoacoloured?

这是一个迅疾、动态、变局与奇迹、神话、泡沫伴生的主题千年。This is a subject millennium in which swiftness, dynamics, and turbulent situation are accompanied by miracle, legend and bubble.

一声惨叫!混合着骨头断裂的声音,只见到这个玄天门的弟子迅疾的倒飞了出去!One bellows! Mix the bone splits of voice, the pouring of pupil quickly ailment namely sees this Xuan door in the sky flew to go out!

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直线的倾斜度--电压值从起始值升至终止值的迅疾程度--决定了频率。The slope of the line -- how rapidly the voltage value rises from the starting value to the finishing value -- determines the frequency.

阿里的技术风格与大多数重量级拳手都不相同,他不仅以重拳的力道获胜,更拥有着迅疾如风的双手和如芭蕾舞般优雅的脚步。Unlike most great heavyweights, he won not with heavy punching power but with the speed of his hands and the balletic grace of his feet.

要知道,快乐是多么的来之不易。对我而言,它总像泡沫,来的时候晶莹剔透,去的时候迅疾无情。Want to know, how happy is the priceless. For me, it is always like foam, glittering and translucent get rid of, when a sudden mercilessly.

察坐在自家街屋前的一把红椅子上休息,迅疾的水流涌过他脚下的水泥地。Chat was kicking back in a red chair in the front of his shophouse as a fast-moving stream of water flowed across the concrete floor at his feet.

在这两首诗中,济慈一反闲适、平和与宁静的常态,以其强烈的移情向我们展示了他迅疾狂迷的另一面。In the two poems mentioned above, Keats, opposite to his usual peaceful and quiet state, presents the readers his quick and crazy aspect with strong emotion.

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欧派一方面继续巩固该行业的龙头地位,一方面以稳健而迅疾的脚步迈向未来。European faction of the industry on the one hand, continue to consolidate the leading position, on the one hand, a steady and swift footsteps into the future.

身边某处有个市民正在被人殴打,因为几个模糊的、行动迅疾的身影从深紫色的夜里浮现在他的灯光照射中。Somewhere at hand a citizen was being beaten, for vague, quick-moving forms emerged into the radiance of his lanthorn out of the deep violet of the night air.

鳄鱼、印度豹、大白鲨、游隼捕猎时出击迅疾,以强力和冲势对猎物进行狙杀。Crocodiles, cheetahs, great white sharks and peregrine falcons all come at their prey with great speed, using a combination of momentum and strength to stun and kill.