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汉语有四声。Mandarin Chinese has four tones.

我认为这只是四声杜鹃。I think this is an Indian Cuckoo.

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四声爆炸声打破了夜晚的宁静。Four explosions shattered the stillness of the night air.

你知道四声那些东西,真够烦的。You know the four tones and the stuff. It really freaks me out.

语调则不受语速、音域宽度和四声的影响。Underlying intonations however are not influenced by speed, pitch or tones.

声调包括第一、第二、第三、第四声和轻声。The tones include the first, second, third, and the fourth tones and the neutral tone.

其中也包括有五声性的四声、五声、六声和七声调式。Nanyang folk song has a mode of five tone, which includes four, five, six and seven tones.

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在得到的同一声调的不同曲线中,找出最佳的曲线以此作为四声声调的冲激序列。Uses the best curve as the impulse sequence in the different curve of identical intonation.

你要知道心脏的脏是个多音字,它读第四声也读第一声。Do you want to know the heart of the dirty is a polyphone, it read a fourth is the first sound.

有关文献关于梁武帝不知四声的记载是不可靠的。Therefore, relevant historical literature recording his ignorance of four tones was unreliable.

五度,八度或一度音程平行传统上在四声部作品中禁用。Parallel intervals of a fifth, octave or unison are traditionally prohibited in four-part writing.

我们现在做的将产生类似于立体声的系统,然后是四声道系统,然后环绕声系统。What we're doing here will lead to the equivalent of stereo, then quadraphonic, then surround sound.

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另外,第三章在介绍HMM模型时,实现了一个汉语四声声调的识别系统。Moreover a mandarin tone recognition system was developed in chapter three when we presented the HMM model.

西班牙语和法语都很容易,不过中文就比较难,因为有四声的关系。Spanish and French were quite easy to learn, but Chinese is hard because you have to get the tones perfect.

应用模糊集合理论,构成隶属函数对四声进行模式分类。Using the theory of fuzzy sets the membership function is adopted for the four tone pattern classification.

当时,沉睡中的胡库村没有一个人听到这几声声响—四声枪击,总共夺去了六条人命。At the time not a soul in sleeping Holcomb heard them – four shotgun blasts that, all told, ended six human lives.

冬、春降水多,四声杜鹃始、绝鸣间隔日数缩短。The larger precipitation in spring and winter corresponded to the less number of days between first and last warbles.

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事实上,我正在学,但对我来说那太难了你知道四声那些东西,我有点怕了。Actually, I am learning that now. but it's too hard for me . You know the 4 tones and the stuff, It really freaks me out.

这就像音乐中太多的声部,单声部是动听的,四声部能带来一个更美妙的四重唱。Or, for that matter, too many threads of music. One musical voice is nice. Four allow for an even more interesting quartet.

三和弦分入四声部时,和弦中可能也不可避免的出现重唱。Doubling of notes in a chord is possible, and inevitable if a three-note triad is to be allotted to four voices or strands of harmony.