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我们已经有了几款专业型号油锯。We have several saws for professional users.

油锯锯链制动器测试装置,它涉及一种测试装置。Disclosed is a chainsaw arrester test device relating to a test device.

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本文对油锯橡胶把套的振动特性进行了实验研究。A study was carried out on the vibration of rubber grips on gaslined chain saws.

油锯系统的频率响应函数反映油锯系统的动态特性。The frequency response function of power saw system reflects the dynamic characteristic of the system.

本文应用试验法对GJ—85油锯锯架的频响特性进行了研究。This paper discusses the frequency reponse characteristics of the GJ—85 chainsaw handle by experimental method.

他一定是用油锯时伤到自己了,当她硬撑着走向对着通向坟地之路的屋前喊叫她的邻里们帮忙时,她想。He's hurt himself with the chain saw, she thought, as she shuffled to the front of the house toward the path leading to the cemetery.

专业从事生产摩托车,通用汽油机,微型汽车,割草机,油锯等各式发动机的活塞环。Specializing in the production of motorcycles, the series product, the micro-car, mower, chain saw, and other kinds of engine piston rings.

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人类人口的上升,被广泛认为是一个潜在的原因,当代模具小康沿推土机的刀片和油锯的牙齿。Rising human population is widely considered an underlying cause of the contemporary die-off along the bulldozer's blade and chainsaw's teeth.

作为油锯发动机的小型汽油机,在林业及其它有关行业使用非常普遍。The small-sized petrol engine, which is widely used in forest enterprises and other industries concerned, is often used as the engine of chain saws.

阐述了油锯产品安全检测的必要性,并介绍了油锯产品在林业生产中的基本情况及油锯产品管理及安全检测的情况。The fundamental state of chainsaws in forestry production and some information about management and safety inspection of chainsaw products are introduced.

阐述了油锯产品安全检测的必要性,并介绍了油锯产品在林业生产中的基本情况及油锯产品管理及安全检测的情况。The fundamental state of cha in saws in forestry production and some information about management and safety inspection of chainsaw products are introduced.

本文总结了全国油锯产品生产许可证评审中企业存在的主要问题,并对其产生的原因进行了分析,指出对油锯产品实行许可证管理的重要性。The article sums up some main problems existing in enterprises, which are reflected in the process of examining production license of Chinese chainsaw products.

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专业生产各种风门轴、节气门轴、特氟龙轴、油针、喷咀、浮子总成、比例阀柱塞、感载阀柱塞等汽、摩化油器及油锯化油器配件包等多种产品。It specializes in producing all kinds of shafts, Teflon shafts, Needle Valve, carburetor float, Nozzle, carburetor repair kits and piston of auto and motorcycle parts.

通过对油锯链进行大量的热处理试验研究和性能检测,确定出最佳的材料,热处理工艺和设备.。Based on a great deal of heat treatment experiments of oil chain saw, the author obtains the optimum material, heat treatment cycle and equipment for the oil chain saw.

影响油锯择伐作业中保留木损伤率的因素很多,经过分析可知采伐强度、林分密度和采伐木单株材积是影响保留木损伤率的主要因素。Selective cutting intensity, stand density and felling tree volume per stem were considered as the major influencing factors by analyzing related researches at home and abroad.

本文阐述用实验法测定油锯系统的频率响应函数以及该法在油锯隔振设计中的应用。In this paper the way to determine the frequency response function as well as its application in designing the isolation mounting of the power saw system through experiments is explained.

探讨了ZL110油锯活塞铸造余热淬火的脱模时间对铸淬效果及人工时效强化规律的影响。Influence of mould releasing time of direct quenching of ZL110 alloy chain saw piston making use of remanent heat after casting on quenching effect and strengthening of artificial aging were studied.