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您的情人发出了情真意切的恳求!Your lover makes a passionate plea!

能酣畅淋漓哭的人,才会情真意切地笑。Dripping tears to those who earned only smile.

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阿福见石敢当如此情真意切。We see stone I dare so the sentiment true meaning cuts.

但你所要做的只是看着我,你就会知道我的字字句句都情真意切。But all you have to do is look at me to know that every word is true.

安妮情真意切地希望他不要太挑剔,太认真了。Most earnestly did she wish he might not be too nice or too observant.

我不知道你为何如此遥不可及,但我知道我对你是情真意切。I don't know why you're so far away, but I know that this much is true.

僵尸新娘情真意切的说自己就是维克多的合法妻子。The says oneself are Weikeduo lawful wife that intendment cuts corpse bride condition.

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歌谣有感而发,信手拈来,情真意切地表现出他们的喜怒哀乐。This spontaneous ballad gives a truthful expression to all types of the singers' feelings.

真话并不必须是伤人的,你可以情真意切地说,但一定要坚定。We are also quick to notice fault in others, and then talk about them with our trusted allies.

信就是这位绅士亲自写的,写得情真意切,表现出友好相助的精神。The letter was from this gentleman himself, and written in the true spirit of friendly accommodation.

在那绝望的时刻,我祈求他人的安慰,而这个男人寥寥数语,却情真意切,温暖着我脆弱的心。In a moment when I prayed for just the right word, a man with very few words said all the right things.

即使是一份包含了情真意切的手写的信或小纸条的礼物也可让母亲的脸上绽开笑容!Even a gift that is accompanied with a carefully written letter or note with meaning can put a smile on a mother's face!

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辛弃疾的爱情词抒写了作者对理想爱情的追求,对已逝爱情的追忆和对意中人的思念,情真意切。His Ci on love expressed the pursuit for ideal love, recalling of passed love and the missing of his lover through true feelings and exact meanings.

它为人们提供情真意切的灵魂慰藉,提供人与入之间交流对话的快乐和契机,文学是一种特殊的精神补偿。It provides affectionate soul comfort, it provides joy and chance of man-to-man communicative dialogue, therefore it is a special spiritual compensation.

受其人生遭遇的影响,这部分诗歌多写乡园之思、离别之叹、羁旅之苦,情真意切。Affected by experience of his life, the poet writes more thought, sigh , bitterness that bridle travel that part, township of garden, genuinely and sincerely.

内心如菩提般明净,不沾俗世尘埃,在情爱之初,便知必会分离,爱时不管不顾、情真意切,别时寂静从容。As a pure Bodhi Heart, do not touch the earthly dust, in love at the beginning, that will separate, love, don't be careless with genuine and sincere, silent quiet.

阐述通过歌词理解以明晰歌曲情感色彩、基调来准确把握作品,以达到演唱声情并茂、情真意切的艺术效果。Elaboration through lyrics understanding by defined song emotion color, main key grasps the work, achieved sings songs in good voice and with feeling emotion sincere art effect.

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虽然只是一句‘生日快乐’,它带给你的浓情重意却无人能比,情真意切发自心底,只因为这一切都是特别献给你的!It's just ' Happy Birthday' but with it there goes a feeling much warmer than anyone knows, a feeling that's heartfelt and especially true, because it's intended especially for you!

让我首先感谢我的挚友克林顿国务卿,不仅是因为她一番热情洋溢、情真意切的介绍,更是因为她是个了不起的国务卿。But I want to start by thanking my friend, Secretary Clinton, not just for that very kind and generous and warm and heartfelt introduction, but she is one heck of a Secretary of State.