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透亮的皮毛仅仅是运动带来的好处中最小的一种。But shiny furwas the least of its benefits.

让肌肤焕发净白透亮迷人神采。Let skin appear pure white, bright and moving charm.

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“房里还有窗户透亮!”赫伯特笑着说。"With windows to light them! " said Herbert, laughing.

CT扫描在螺钉周围也未发现透亮线出现。And there was no bright line found in the CT expression.

喝至少这么多的水就能让皮肤更透亮,睡眠质量更高,视力更好。Drink the minimum and see clearer skin, better sleep, better vision.

深红色清澈而透亮的酒裙,闪现暗紫色光晕。The wine is clear and bright crimson dress, splash dark purple halo.

我很喜欢吃那家粉房做出来的粉皮,晶莹透亮又筋道。This is the sheet jelly we made by our equipment. Come and taste it!

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不停加热一个密封的装有过量水的球形透亮材质的容器。Keep heating on some water in a hermetic see-through round container.

一道欢快的阳光正穿过那些通明透亮的新发的树叶。A cheerful sunlight penetrated the freshly unfolded and luminous leaves.

它那红色的嘴微微张开,大大的圆眼睛,晶莹透亮。Its red mouth was slightly open, its big eye was wide and glassy-bright.

面容轮廓线着黑色,于幕前观看十分清晰透亮。The outlines of their faces are black lines, which are clear on the screen.

月光把她的肌肤、心灵、思维和希望都照得透亮。Moonlights cast lights on her skin, into her soul, to her thoughts and hope.

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强钢笔画的提议,强烈的颜色与一个透亮作用结合了。Pen and ink offers strong, intense color combined with a translucent effect.

我是干性肌肤,用它能让我的皮肤水润,肤色均匀透亮。Helps to even out my skin tone, and hydrates the skin as I have very dry skin.

日本樱花树能抚平粗糙的皮肤,使肌肤变得柔软,透亮。Japanese Cherry tree smoothes rough skin, leaving it soft, velvety and bright.

想省事的话直接搓去麦芒麦壳把绿得透亮的籽儿往嘴里送。To save words directly to grain husk to rub green translucent seed into your mouth.

改善肌肤黯淡、干燥与毛孔粗大问题,使肌肤更显年轻透亮。Relieve dull and dry skin, shrink rough pores, and make skin young, clear and lustrous.

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洗过之后的奶瓶像水晶一样洁净透亮!当前就不断用它了!This soap keeps the bottles film free and crystal clear! I will not use any other brand!

并有效舒缓肌肤,令肌肤幼嫩、水凝透亮。And the effective affable flesh, the flesh young tender, the water congeals translucently.

影像上表现为囊状、膨胀性透亮影,伴有硬化边,皮质可以保留。Imaging shows a lytic, lucent, expansile lesion with sclerotic margins that spares cortex.