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这才是真正的亚洲猪笼草。This is true with Asian Pitcher Plants.

福建莆田有没有猪笼草?Do Fujian Pu Tian City have common nepenthes?

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发现食物,一只蟑螂仔细观察着两英尺高的猪笼草。Sensing food, a roach peers into a two-foot-tall pitcher plant.

它长10-12mm,虽然猪笼草小雨蛙极其微小,但是它的叫声却很大。At 10-12 mm long, Microhyla nepenthicola may be micro, but its croak is loud.

我很震惊地发现一个种猪笼草变种物种。I was shocked to find a species of pitcher plant called Nepenthes mirabilis var.

一只淡绿色蝴蝶闻香而来,停落在一株罕见的加利福尼亚猪笼草上。A pale green butterfly senses nectar and alights on a rare Californiapitcher plant.

他想去整理植被清单,这些清单是关于他之前去过的沼泽地的猪笼草的。He wanted to work on the vegetation inventory for a pitcher plant bog he had going.

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在香港,部分猪笼草的生长地点在郊野公园内而受到保护。In Hong Kong, some localities of its occurrence are in Country Parks under protection.

致命的瑰丽,猪笼草把昆虫引诱到它装满液体的杯状捕虫袋里将其淹死。Deadly beauty, the pitcher plant traps insects in its fluid-filled cup, where they drown.

他和尼古拉斯还利用猪笼草研究了营养过剩所产生的影响。He and Gotelli have also used pitcher plants to study the effects of nutrient overloading.

藉由这些准则内的观念,你将会有个好的开始享受种植猪笼草。By following the ideas in this list, you will get off to a better start in growing Nepenthes.

菲律宾猪笼草猎物剪影,有点像皮影戏。Like figures in a shadow theater, silhouettes of prey show through a Philippine pitcher plant.

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这也正是研究人员得以发现它的原因。它生活在猪笼草叶子内的小水池里。That's how researchers found them, swimming in tiny puddles of water captured by pitcher plants.

在猪笼草中,蝇幼虫是最高层次的捕食者,类似于陆地的老虎和狼。Fly larvae are the top-level predator in the pitcher, the analogues of terrestrial tigers or wolves.

猪笼草的每片叶子的末端都吊着一条丝,丝上长着一个像瓶子一样的“猪笼”,笼口还有个盖子呢。Nepenthes the ends of each leaf hanging from a wire wire with a like a bottle of "cage" cage and a lid.

所以在泰国南部的我们,一般会把猪笼草的瓶子当成袋子,用来放糯米,然后拿去蒸。So common for us. In southern Thailand, people use their pitchers as bag, put sticky rice in, and steam.

猪笼草为热带食虫植物,其叶先端中脉变形为捕虫袋,能捕获昆虫将之消化。Nepenthes alata Blanco is a tropical insectivorous plant with pitchers which can catches and digests insects.

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其最突出的特徵是其巨大的尺寸,大于任何存在于土鲁斯玛迪山的猪笼草。The most striking feature was the sheer size of the pitchers—they were bigger than anything else on Trus Madi.

这个品种以“维京猪笼草的称呼闻名,瓶子外形看似维京战船的船首。The species is popularly known as "Nepenthes viking" after the resemblance the pitchers bear to the prow of a Viking ship.

我的摊子是当时最大的,所有猪笼草爱好者都知道我的摊位,我贩售30种以上的猪笼草。My sideway shop was the biggest one at that time. Every Nep. enthusiasts knew my shop. I sold more than 30 types of Nepenthes.