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这种美元下跌论言过其实了。This dollar declinism is overblown.

她几乎没有言过其实。She was hardly overstating the case.

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Leakey言过其实但并没有太夸张。Leakey was exaggerating but not by much.

通常都言过其实,无法兑现。Very often, overpromising and under-delivering.

它还宣称的死亡人数一直是言过其实的。It also claims the number of deaths has been inflated.

当然,我所说的这些多少有点言过其实Of course, everything I'm saying is somewhat exaggerated.

显然“两个神骑定九州”的论点多少有点言过其实。The "two- shotting" is a little exaggerated in most cases.

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警句为了求效果大多言过其实,这句也不例外。Most epigrams exaggerate for effect, and this is no exception.

我认为他们的一些本来就是言过其实的故事在传讲的过程中被增枝添叶地夸大了。I think that some of their tall tales get exaggerated in the telling.

“日式火锅的口感,是由汤底的味道确立的”,这种说法,决不言过其实!"The taste of Japanese style hot pot is determined by the soup of the pot".

托蒂说,“每次有什么事在我身上发生时,总是言过其实。Every time that something happens with me it is blown out of all proportion.

言过其实,终无大用。知识愈浅,自信愈深。Exaggerated, but it will no use. The more knowledge shallow, more confident.

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这算得上是一个改进吧,但说是“突破”就言过其实了。This may have been an improvement, but " breakthrough" was an overstatement.

这样说或许有些言过其实,否定了个体及生活中的任何特例。This overstates reality. It denies individuals and peoples any say in their lives.

而对于穷国将可能承受“人才外流”的恶果的恐惧也是言过其实的。and fears that poor countries will suffer as a result of a “brain drain” are overblown.

也许这种胸罩的效果有点言过其实。Perhaps the jaw-dropping effect of the bra itself is what really does the trick, however.

第二,它日益表现出美国在世界上的地位也是一种言过其实的观点。Second, it increasingly represents an exaggerated view of America's status in the world too.

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如果说这样的艺术品便是宗教艺术最早的实物证据,会不会太言过其实了呢?Is it going too far to suggest that art like this is the earliest physical evidence for religion?

最言过其实的是对链格孢抗原的反应非常明显,具有统计学显著差异。The most exaggerated and statistically significant response by far was to Alternaria alternata antigens.

他很好地扮演了这位言过其实的反派人物,而且我觉得他的俄罗斯口音棒极了。He played Vanko as the over-the-top villain he is and I personally thought his Russian accent was superb.