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除此之外,建筑工棚是波多黎各中最孤单的建筑。After that, it is the loneliest building in PR.

直到羊毛打包在工棚,在二十多年前。To till the bales at Carmody's, a score of years go.

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在一个工棚里,一位妇女筛选大蒜并装入麻袋里。A woman sorts garlic to be filled in sacks in a shed.

一群拉工棚的少年看着我们接吻。A group of teenagers pulling sheds was watching our kissing.

屋子后面的一间工棚被改成了一个车间。A shed at the back of the house was fitted up as a workshop.

签约人匆忙搭建工棚存放新设备。The contractor flung up some temporary sheds to hold the new equipment.

工棚铺草席当床,肥料包成枕头,上演一场“床戏”。Shed when bed, fertilizer laid mat pillow, wrapped staged a "bed scene".

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这些工棚被拆除后,焕然一新的大楼便可拔地而起了。The removal of these sad sheds created the opportunity for the cheerful new building.

也可用于搭设施工棚、料棚、灯塔等构筑物。Also be used to build facilities in the shed, feed shed, lighthouse and other structures.

现在,他们住在用树枝和塑料薄膜搭建的临时工棚里。Now they live in temporary "benders" – shelters made from branches covered with plastic sheeting.

这所工棚,夏天炎热,冬天寒冷。下雨时,顶棚漏水。The shed was hot in summer and cold in winter, and when it rained, water dripped from the ceiling.

利用门式脚手架配上简易屋架,便可构成临时工地宿舍、仓库或工棚。Accompanied by simple roof truss gantry scaffolding can constitute a TWA quarters, warehouse or shed.

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在二标段区的一个工棚里,工人刘淑华正专注地看着自己的脸盆。In a work shed where tenders areas, workers are focused on Stimulating the basin, looking at their own.

在回工棚的路上,我们必须抓住长长的绳子保证自己不再风雪中被吹跑。We had to hold on to long ropes so that we wouldn't get blown over in the snow storm on the way back to our barracks.

尤其对居住在低洼地、简易工棚的城镇外来劳工人员做好防风指导工作。In particular, living in low-lying, simple labor camp outside the town staff do a good job in guiding the work of wind.

骑了几英里后,我又赶上了他,在这个地方有工人们在活动工棚里避风。I catch him up again a few miles down the road, where the rest of the works party are sheltering in a prefab from the wind.

说是饭馆其实不过是几件临时性搭建的工棚,外面打工的地方很多这样的饭馆。That restaurant is really just a few pieces of temporary structures of the shed, working outside in many places such restaurant.

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这个小镇还包括一座亭子,一间有85年之久的舞厅,一个拖拉机工棚,一座有三间卧室的房屋,以及桃树林和山核桃树林。The town also includes a pavilion, an 85-year-old dance hall, a tractor shed, a three-bedroom house, plus peach and pecan orchards.

这种骨架可作为蔬菜大棚使用,还可以作为仓库、临时工棚的骨架使用。The utility model can be used as a vegetable greenhouse and can also be used as a framework of warehouses and temporary work sheds.

带有轮子的小屋、工房或工棚,用牵引列车牵引,用作一个工作组食宿的小棚。A small house, bunkhouse, or shed mounted on skids and towed behind a tractor train as eating and sleeping quarters for a work crew.