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还是柔软若鸭绒?。Or soft as eiderdown fluff?

我们一定要知道鸭绒垫子吗?Why guys like you and I know what a duvet is?

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我们一定要知道鸭绒垫子吗?Why do guys like you and I know what a duvet is?

我们必然要知道鸭绒垫子吗?Why do guys like you and I know whnear the a duvet is?

陶布旅馆的房间大而舒适,有大火炉、大窗户和铺着上好的毯子和鸭绒床罩的大床。The rooms at the Taube were large and comfortable with big stoves, big windows and big beds with good blankets and feather coverlets.

最近我在你们公司买了品质并没有我所想得好的一套鸭绒垫子的套子以及窗帘。I recently purchased a matching duvet cover and curtain set that did not meet the quality that I have come to expect from your company.

将一定量的细羊毛纤维加入鸭绒絮料中能够改善其吸湿性,但对透湿性有一定影响。Adding some fine wool fibers into the duck wadding can enhance its moisture absorption, but would affect its moisture-penetrability to some extent.

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但是今天她径直从面包店门前走过,爬上楼梯走进那个昏暗的小屋——她的像小柜橱一般的小屋——坐在红鸭绒垫上。But today she passed the baker's by, climbed the stairs, went into the little dark room —her room like a cupboard—and sat down on the red eiderdown.

哺乳衣系一种哺乳妇女专用服装,用棉花、鸭绒、布类等衣料或针织品制成。The utility model relates to lactation clothes, which is special clothes for lactation women and is made of coating or hosiery such as cotton, duck down, cloth, etc.

绒鸭一种大海鸭,尤指北部地区的欧绒鸭属,有柔软的有商业价值的鸭绒,雄鸭毛主要为黑白色。Any of several large sea ducks, especially of the genus Somateria of northern regions, having soft, commercially valuable down and predominantly black and white plumage in the male.

突然有一群燕子扑打著翅膀,从他们头顶上掠过,还不时地有受惊的兔子穿过大路,白色的尾巴摇动著,像是一个鸭绒的粉片。Above their heads a flock of chimney swallows whirled suddenly on swift wings and now and then a rabbit scurried startled across the road his white tail bobbing like an eiderdown powder puff.

进去之前,我穿上鸭绒服,戴上帽子,给自己来杯热茶,并且拿些娱乐性的阅读材料让接下来的15-20分钟过得快些。Before getting in, I put on a down jacket and a hat and neoprene booties, make myself a cup of hot tea, anc collect some entertaining reading material to help the next 15-20 minutes pass quickly.