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说明一个双参数委托。Describes a two-argument delegate.

我委托他传送。I entrusted him with its transmission.

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谁来画这些委托画作呢Who did the commissioning of painting?

他委托她跟他的女友谈话。He sent her to bespeak his girl friend.

她从未受到委托方的威胁。She’s never been threatened by clients.

他是一个非委托干事试点。He was a Non-Commissioned Officer Pilot.

委托、事件和lambda表达式Delegates, events, and lambda expressions

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他受委托盖一座楝新桥。Heh ad a commission to build a new bridge.

你可能也会乐意委托别人做事。Some of you will also delegate with gusto!

律师有许多委托者就赚很多钱。A lawyer may get rich with a lot of clients.

他把他的孩子委托给一位忠实的朋友照料。He entrusted his child to a faithful friend.

我把职责委托给了我的代理人。I delegated my responsibilities to my deputy.

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然后可以单独调用每个委托。Each delegate could then be invoked separately.

不要将你的计划委托给一个“接线员”。Do not entrust your project to an "order taker".

他将他的生意委托给他的兄弟照看。He consigned his business to his brother's care.

委托提供类型安全的回调定义。Delegates provide type-safe callback definitions.

经营同旅游有关的委托代办业务。to handle commission business relating to tourism.

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格伦雷太太受到丈夫的委托。Grantly had received a commission from her husband.

他强调说,捷豹从不委托他人制造概念车。Jaguar, he stressed, did not commission the concept.

检测结果只与委托检测的委托方送样样品有关。This result is only related to the samples delivered.