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看这一望无垠的绿色田野。Look at the vast stretches of green fields.

山那边是泥泽,死气沉沉,一望无垠。To the one side of the mountain is the boundless and melancholy marsh.

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连绵起伏的青山以及一望无垠的蓝天完美地衬托了这片时尚水域。The rolling hills and clear blue sky are the perfect backdrop to this trendy waterside area.

云层很壮观,观者也有一望无垠的感觉。The clouds look really spectacular and the viewer has the feeling of flight above the vast space.

绿洲是我家?我时常在一望无垠的草原上破声大叫试问绿原是否并拢我?Oasis is my home? I often in the boundless grasslands that horse. " I chlorogenic whether together?"

这个地区是一望无垠的石头,几百万年来暴晒在烈日之下,都晒黑了。This area is an expanse of stones burnt black from millions of years of exposure to the scorching sun.

夜已深,一望无垠的夜幕厚厚实实地遮掩着我的视线。A night of depth, stretched to the horizon of the curtain of night is covering up my line of sight thickly.

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不久我就觉得被这一望无垠的平原所吞没,凝视着它就像凝视着大海那样,使人迷茫。Soon I felt engulfed in the immensity of the plain, lost in gazing upon it as one feels lost in gazing on sea.

随着时间的推移,我对弹扬琴的感觉,就像五松先生一样付之东流,流入了哪一望无垠的大海。Over time, I feel Yangqin shells, just five have been in vain, like Mr. Song, which entered the oasis in the sea.

那里人烟罕至,旷地一望无垠。我们晚上在那里露营,看着空中的繁星,听着浪花拍打海岸的声音。It's home to wildernesses largely untamed by human hand, playgrounds where we could camp under the stars within earshot of waves crashing on the beach.

喀什地区三面环山,一面敞开,北有天山南脉横卧,西有帕米尔高原耸立,南部是绵亘东西的喀喇昆仑山,东部为一望无垠的塔克拉玛干大沙漠。Gulf-shaped region, open, a north side lies, west south veins heaven standing, southern is a pamirs plateau, the search for what the eastern practically unpatrolled karakoram taklamakan big desert.

或者,它们本来就是起点,绕了很久,终于找回了路,又或者,那只是一个望梅止渴的幻想,在一望无垠的沙漠之中,还得继续往前走。Or, they would have is the starting point, around a long time, finally recovered the road, or that it is only an illusion and fancies, in an endless stretches of barren desert, but also push forward.

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空气里发酵着些许劳累的因子,一个人默默站在这郊区的办公楼里久了,偶尔望着窗明几净的高楼殿宇外,是空旷湛蓝一望无垠的天。The air of a little tired fermentation, one factor in this suburb of stood silently in the office for a long time, occasionally looking bright and clean house buildings, is empty expanse of blue sky.