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记下钻头系列号和型号。Record bit serial number.

下金刚石取芯钻头。Run in a diamond core bit.

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钻头末端是空的。At the end the drill is free.

用来做斜角的一种钻头。A bit that is used for beveling.

拿钻头规来量一下钻头外径。Check the bit O. D. with a bit gauge.

电镀弱包镶金刚石钻头。Electroplated weak-wrapped diamond bit.

钻头的销子和螺栓和脊髓。Drill bits for dowel and bolts and cord.

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钻台上有三只钻头。There are three bits on the drill floor.

这种钻头钻的孔眼很小。Drilling ceramic tile requires a speical bit.

他把钻头捅过朽木。He rammed the stake through the rotting wood.

下水下电视观察钻头是否进入导向基板。Run subsea TV to observe bit entering the TGB.

这是适用于深孔的通用型高速钢长钻头。This is general HSS long drills for deep holes.

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在取芯钻井井段,选用金刚石取芯钻头。Diamond coring bits are utilized for core drilling.

在松软岩层中最常用的是钢砂钻头。Drag bits are used most commonly in soft formations.

当钻头钻通了墙后,他高兴地笑了。The drill bit breaks through the wall and he smiles.

工具包中还有几把钻头和其他附件。The kit came with several drill bits and accessories.

推荐前一钻头入井带一打捞篮。Use of a junk basket on the prior bit run is recommended.

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钻头,钻石器,钻孔器用于在岩石或砖石上钻孔的针形钻。A needle-shaped drill for boring holes in rock or masonry.

随着钻头往下钻,管子一段一段地加接上去。As the bit drills down, pipe is added length after length.

他其销者,卖钻头给开采石油的公司。He essentially, sold drill bits to oil-drilling companies.