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露西还愿意在圣诞节上班。Lucy is willing to work Christmas too.

我怀疑他们是否还愿意念到我这个人。I doubted they would want to be reminded of me.

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随着中国经济的发展,中方还愿作出更大的贡献。Along with China's economic development, we are ready to make greater contribution.

人生的目标,是来受报、还愿、发愿的。The purpose of life is to receive karmic results, fulfill old vows, and make new ones.

但是这个人自己相信一定是树神听到了他得祈祷,所以他就决定去还愿。The man was sure the tree god had answered his prayer, so he wanted to keep his promise.

了解如何在一个万圣节在这个自由的核心工艺蜡烛台视频还愿。Learn how to make votive candle holders in a Halloween centerpiece in this free craft video.

那么现在你就可以拥有一个漂亮的冰灯了,把还愿的蜡烛放进去,瞧,聚会就可以开始咯。You now have a beautiful ice lantern. Place a votive candle inside and voila, the party can start.

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只是你分别为圣的物和你的还愿祭要奉到耶和华所选择的地方去。But take your consecrated things and whatever you have vowed to give, and go to the place the LORD will choose.

倾斜的天花板下面那一点点空间,如同意大利还愿礼拜堂那样密密地贴满了图画。What little space there was below the sloping ceiling was as closely covered with pictures as an Italian votive chapel.

这一日,林冲带了娘子张氏和使女锦儿,来酸枣门外狱庙里烧香还愿。One day, Lin Ch'ung took his wife, Mrs. Lin, and their maidservant, Chin Erh, to a temple outside of Sour Date City Gate.

上个周末我和龙龙去了普陀山还愿。这个早春,我们去了那里许愿,而且一个月后我们的愿望就实现了。There is the story, we went to there this early spring to make vows. We went, and later after one month, the dream came true.

今日特意在这里夜深人前的时候设了香案还愿。Today especially idea at my night deep the time before the person established an incense burner table to redeem a vow pledged.

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在ntfs分区的系统还愿文件夹默认只允许System帐户访问,而管理员在内的普调帐户拒绝访问。Only System username has default access to reseting folders in subarea ntfs and other ordinary usernames including administrator don't.

此外,还有在上主的安息日,你们献于上主的礼品、还愿祭和自愿祭。Besides the sabbaths of the Lord, and your gifts, and those things that you offer by vow, or which you shall give to the Lord voluntarily.

本文对冀东地区与影戏演出有关的还愿仪式及其中的影戏展演活动进行了详尽地描述与分析。This paper makes detailed description and analysis of the shadow play performance-related votive ceremony in eastern Hebei Province and its activities.

唯一的裁决就是复仇,这种作为还愿的仇杀不会白费,是为了将来能给警惕者和有德者昭雪的那一天的价值和正确性。The only verdict is vengeance, a vendetta held as a votive not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.

羌民以祭山还愿来表示对上天的崇高敬仰,也是祈盼天神木比塔恩赐百姓来年牛羊兴旺、五谷丰收。By this way people of Qiang not only express their admirations for the heaven but also hope that the holy wood could bring them cattle and grain as rich as possible.

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汤姆路过撒切尔法官家时,就去看了贝基,法官和几个朋友让汤姆打开话匣子,有个人半开玩笑地问汤姆还愿不愿意旧洞重游。The Judge and some friends set Tom to talking, and some one asked him ironically if he wouldn't like to go to the cave again. Tom said he thought he wouldn't mind it.

将你们的燔祭,平安祭,十分取一之物,和手中的举祭,并还愿祭,甘心祭,以及牛群羊群中头生的,都奉到那里。there bring your burnt offerings and sacrifices, your tithes and special gifts, what you have vowed to give and your freewill offerings, and the firstborn of your herds and flocks.

若所献的是为还愿,或是甘心献的,必在献祭的日子吃,所剩下的,第二天也可以吃。If, however, his offering is the result of a vow or is a freewill offering, the sacrifice shall be eaten on the day he offers it, but anything left over may be eaten on the next day.