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联合国派了一队观察员前去和平谈判。The UN sent a team of observers to the peace talks.

总统派了一名特使参加和平谈判。The President sent a special envoy to the peace talks.

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以色列表示应该无条件恢复和平谈判。Israel says peace talks should resume without preconditions.

瓦莉女士是在阿富汗问题上联合国和平谈判团的一名代表。Mizz Wali was a delegate to the U-N peace talks on Afghanistan.

和平谈判陷入僵局,无法做出任何决定。The peace talks reached a deadlock and nothing could be decided.

7日,亚西尔·阿拉法特暂时中止了他和以色列的和平谈判。On the seventh, Yasser Arafat suspended his peace talks with Israel.

这一不幸事件可能会妨碍和平谈判的进程。This unfortunate incident may hinder the progress of the peace talks.

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国际争端应该通过和平谈判解决。International disputes should be solved through peaceful negotiations.

叶利钦决定不与叛军领袖杜达耶夫举行和平谈判。Yeltsin ruled out direct peace talks with rebel leader Jokhar Dudayev.

卡尔扎伊政府最初拒绝了卡塔尔提倡的和平谈判。The Karzai government initially rejected the Qatar host for peace talks.

那个国家的军事首脑们关闭了进一步和平谈判的大门。That country's military leaders have shut the door on any further peace talks.

在竞选过程中,有人建议林肯与南方开始和平谈判,结束内战,将叛离的南方各州带回到合众国中来,至于奴隶制问题,以后再解决。Bring southern states back into the Union. Settle the question of slavery later.

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有人坚持认为,试图逮捕这些战犯阻碍了和平谈判。Some argue that trying to arrest such war criminals gets in the way of peace talks.

也门胡塞反政府武装及其盟友的代表们表示,将参加经联合国斡旋在科威特举行的和平谈判。Delegations from Yemen's Houthi rebels and their allies now say they will join U. N.

告诉你们的总统不要干涉我们的国家,停止这种虚伪的和平谈判的把戏。Tell your President to leave our countries alone and stop the charade of peace talks.

特拉维夫居民约西·奥兰说,这为恢复和平谈判带来了希望。Tel Aviv resident Yossi Oran said it offered hope for a resumption of the peace talks.

与会者介绍了在不公开的和平谈判和磋商中取得的进展情况。They have given an account of progress in behind-the-scenes peace talks and discussions.

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但穆塞韦尼总统却挫败了拜贡比的充满了希望的1994年和平谈判,以及自那以来众多的其他谈判。But President Museveni squashed Bigombe's hopeful 1994 peace talks, and others since then.

亚美尼亚重申通过和平谈判解决纳卡问题的愿望。Armenia reiterates its wish to settle the Nagorno-Karabakh issue through peaceful negotiations.

左西蒙达成为著名的克伦族反叛团体之间与缅甸军政权的和平谈判使者。Simon Tha became famous as a peace negotiator between Karen rebel groups and the Burmese regime.