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这些却是一个不错的筛选器。But these are a good filter.

她把大米中的砂子筛选掉。She sifted the sand out from the rice.

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可以在每个用户的基础上筛选数据。It can filter data on a per-user basis.

自动筛选机已投入使用。The robot sifter has been put into use.

它已经被移至筛选这个子菜单中。It has been moved to the Filters submenu.

首先我们需要根据正确的电荷进行筛选。First we need to select for actual charge.

可以选择它,然后输入筛选条件。You can select it, then enter your filter.

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我不会用些条条框框来筛选人填充董事会。I’m not filling the board with check boxes.

动作迅速意味的是没有筛选。Moving quickly means there is no screening.

下一步,向该策略添加一个筛选器条件。Next, add a filter condition to the policy.

我把它叫做‘三重筛选测试’。That's why I call it the triple-filter test.

血栓形成筛选实验阴性。Thrombophilia screening tests were negative.

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这是筛选麦子与稗子的过程。It is the sifting of the grain and the chaff.

这将在编辑器中创建一个筛选器模板。This creates a filter template in the editor.

这是个疲劳轰炸的筛选过程。You went through a grueling screening process.

筛选出有机溶剂热回流法提取草木樨中的黄酮。It is selecting organic solvent and hot refluxing.

方法G418筛选,DNA分子班点杂交。Methods G418 filtration and DNA blot hybridization.

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第四种格式允许同时使用范围和筛选器。The fourth format allows both a scope and a filter.

未选择任何筛选条件,确认要执行吗?If MsgBox You didn't choose any condition, continue?

再对3种常用防冻剂进行了筛选。Later the 3 common antifreezing agents were studied.