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他被选中去物色人才。He was selected to scout.

因此我开始物色一个丈夫。So I began to look for a husband.

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我已物色到我所需要的那本书了。I have lighted upon the book I wanted.

董事会开始物色常任CEO人选Board Initiates Search for Permanent CEO

我们已经为这个会物色到一个发言人。We have lined up a speaker for the meeting.

我们需要物色两名队员才能凑成一个队。We need to rake up two more players to form a team.

他们物色到了当地的一个大学生作为中央情报局的特工。They talent-spotted a local student as a CIA recruit.

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我公司欲在新加坡物色一名纺织品总代理。We is offering a general agent for our textile in singapore.

我们会打电话给Martinelli太太告诉她继续帮我们物色房子。We'll call Mrs.Martinelli and tell her to keep looking for us.

董事会雇佣了一位负责人才招聘的人去物色一位新经理。The board of directors hired a headhunter to get a new manager.

这位新总理主要从年轻人中物色人选组建政府。The new premier is forming his government mainly from young men.

他们正在四处物色这方面的人才。They are beating the bushes for qualified persons in this field.

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我将设法给篮球队物色几个优秀的选手。I will try and root out some good players for the basketball team.

他们正在极力物色最适于这个职位的人选。They are hunting up the most promising candidates for the position.

我愿尽力为我们的足球队物色一位优秀的守门员。I'll try my best to rout out a good goalkeeper for our football team.

军方领导人开始物色合适人选。American military leaders began looking for someone to lead the attack.

邓根要物色这样一个人,他保守到足以使国会放心。Dungan was looking for someone conservative enough to reassure Congress.

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我们正在物色一些新的,有创意的人才来加入到我们的营销部门当中来。We're scouting out some new creative talent for our marketing department.

托尼一到伦敦就四处物色出租的房子。As soon as Tony arrived in London, he looked about for a house to be lent.

歌舞伎町区站满了已经适应了夜生活的招募者,物色着合适的女性。The Kabuki-cho district is lined with dark-suited scouts recruiting women.