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探讨了圆环套数对减震效果的影响。The effect of sets of cirque costing-energy is discussed.

到2011年底前,合肥市廉租房总套数将达到6000套。By the end of 2011, low-rent units in Hefei will total 6000.

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贴到另外一个数组的后面,它当然是实现了套数组的操作。If I had lists of lists of lists, then it would only take out the first level of it.

如果不巧妙处理,这样的题材可能会落入很多固定套数。Less deftly handled, the treatment of such a subject could have fallen into a number of traps.

现存套数已发货,运费已预付,当日或次日即可运抵美国任何一个目的地。Available kites are shipped freight prepaid, to any USA destination the same or next business day.

人均住房面积标准比每户家庭的住房套数标准更精确,更合理。The standard by local average living space per capita is more accurate and reasonable than that by housing suite per family.

有网友说,应该出台规定,复婚双方的房产套数只要超过两套住房的,一律禁止复婚!A netizen said the government should issue a regulation that former couples with more than 2 houses are forbidden to remarry.

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在服饰制度上,服装颜色、套数也严格遵循天玄地黄及天文历数制作。In the costume, the color and the number of the dress were made by the thought of "Ryuki & Yellow ground" and astronomical figures-"12".

中国大城市的买房热引发了对房地产泡沫的担忧,并促使政府出台措施限制购房套数。The race to buy homes in China's biggest cities has fueled fears of a property bubble and spurred restrictions on the number of properties people are allowed to buy.

在目前广播电视节目套数不断增加、自动化播出程度不断提高的情况下,对节目播出情况的实时监测显得更加重要。As the number of radio and TV programs and the degree of broadcasting automation are increasingly rising, the real-time monitoring of transmitted programs is becoming even more important.

一般印染生产中,考虑到工艺设备和成本效益,总要限定印花的滚筒或花版,即限制色套数量。General printing and dyeing production, taking into account the process equipment and cost-effective, always limit the printing roller or flower version, which limits the number of color sets.

据北京市房地产交易管理网统计显示,北京5月内二手住宅交易套数为7190套,这是最近28个月来二手住宅成交的最低谷。Beijing saw the transaction volume of 2nd-hand residential properties decline to 7,190 units in May, the lowest in the past 28 months, according to the website of Beijing Real Estate Trade Management.