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我在学习梳理羊毛。I'm learning to tease wool.

工人们正在梳理亚麻。The workers weer teasing flax.

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她正在梳理她那乱蓬蓬的头发。She is combing her matted hair.

我梦到我的头发梳理好了。I dreamt that my hair was kempt.

她正在梳理她那乱蓬蓬的头发。That dress matches her red hair.

母亲梳理了孩子的头发。The mother combed the child's hair.

梳理,匀场等都是例子。Carding, shimming, etc. are examples.

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我们来梳理一下。Let's see if we can find information.

梳棉过程中,单纤维梳理不好。Poor fiber individualization at card.

她梳理好我的头发,把它们吹干。She combed it and then blow-dried it.

她梳理缠结的头发。She teased out the knots in her hair.

接着,把梳理和精梳过的银线纺成纱。Carded and combed sliver is then spun.

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我的头发蓬乱,我要梳理一下。I have unkempt hair,I have to comb it.

在赴宴前我们梳理了一下。We freshened up before going to the party.

猎狼需要大量的或者是经常的梳理毛发吗?Do Borzoi require a lot or regular grooming?

我们梳理一下作者的思路。Let's remind ourselves what's been happening.

马修用小牙刷给它梳理?Matthew brushes him with a little toothbrush?

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晚会前,他总是把头发梳理得光溜溜的。His hair always smoothes before a night party.

以毛刷向同一方向梳理后,风机吹干。Brushing as the same direction, dry with machine.

他用他那又细又长的手指梳理着我的头发。He combed my hair with his long, slen- der fingers.