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他对那次受辱仍耿耿于怀。The insult still rankled in his mind.

我仍对那次的事故耿耿于怀。I'm still screwed-up about the accident.

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这些收入的性质正是让人耿耿于怀的地方。The nature of this income is what rankles.

两个孩子似乎都对他们的养母忠心耿耿。Both children seem very loyal to their adoptive mother.

但他仍对与荣誉和财富擦肩而过的往事耿耿于怀。But he couldn't forget his brush with fame and fortune.

他觉得这位青年军官那种天真烂漫的忠心耿耿非常可爱。He finds the naivete of the young officer very engaging.

尽管辛普森让她头顶皇冠,她依然对前者耿耿于怀。She hated Simpson, even though she handed her the crown.

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多年来他一直对波士顿人腼腆的性格耿耿于怀。Bostonians' reserved demeanor had bothered him for years.

唯一使我耿耿于怀的就是她那些关于爱尔兰的言论。The only thing that rankles me is what she says about Ireland.

他对朋友忠心耿耿,对其他人则不闻不问。He is loyal to his friends and lets everyone else go their way.

杰克发现雅梅是一个忠心耿耿的下属,尤其是在压力下的表现令人放心。Jack found her to be a loyal worker and reliable under pressure.

国王归来了,他一直对这错误的追捕耿耿于怀。The King, came back, and he was depressed after the false pursuit.

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他妹妹对他的辱骂使他仍耿耿于怀。The insult that his sister hurled at him still rankled in his mind.

可但以理对王对上帝都忠心耿耿,无可挑剔。But Daniel was blameless , for he was loyal to both God and the King.

真正的爱国主义者对自己的祖国是正直无私和忠心耿耿的。The true patriot desires righteousness and uprightness for ones own land.

余淮在天台第一次向耿耿吐露心声,两个人的心更加靠近。Yu Huai in tiantai serve to speak out for the first time, two hearts closer.

五班输了比赛,余淮安慰伤心的文潇潇,耿耿醋意升腾。Class five lost the game, Yu Huai raining, comforted the fidelity and jealousy.

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锐意图治,忠心耿耿,政治上是一位干才。Sharp intention cures, utterly loyal, is a talented individual on the political.

然而私底下,她却对玛丽总是觊觎英格兰的王座耿耿于怀。But privately she considered how Mary had often laid claim to the English throne.

梦露对自己少女时期经历的性骚扰耿耿于怀。Monroe complains too about her early adolescent experiences of sexual harassment.